Uitnodiging fotogalerie Parijs

In de e-mail trof ik een voorstel aan van fotogalerie Espace Vision’Art in Parijs om werk voor een jaar tentoon te stellen in de Franse hoofdstad Parijs.

“Dear Tjeerd,

After seeing and positively evaluating your art, we thought we’d involve you in our project.

In October, a space totally dedicated to photography and digital art will open in the heart of Paris, a few steps from the Sorbonne and the National Museum of the Middle Ages.

We realized that today more than ever, in galleries you can really find everything: conceptual, pop, abstract, informal, figurative art, photography, sculpture, video, digital, minimalist, etc., generating great confusion in the minds of those who want to buy a artwork.

Anyone who enters our space does so with the awareness of finding works dedicated exclusively to photography or digital art, with artists from all over the world.

In fact, our collecting is made up of very important and qualified professional figures such as: architecture studios, hotel sales managers or structures linked to haute cuisine, interior and product design, as well as the many intellectuals who live or work in the neighborhood that is known as the “cultural” district par excellence in Paris.

The “Espace Vision’Art” wants to promote the work of those artists who have a vision of art.

We propose the works of artists who already have a path and a precise thought.

The space is located about 1.5 km from the European House of Photography (the most important European museum dedicated to photography) and places such as the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Pantheon, the Palace of Luxembourg, with its beautiful gardens are easily within walking distance.

Espace Vision’Art will be a very dynamic space, attentive to the requests of French intellectuals, for this reason several days will be organized in the gallery where collectors will be invited, the works and cards of each artist exhibited in the gallery will be shown, in what will be “COLLECTOR DAYS”

The Artists of the Gallery will be invited to participate in the great event “200 years of Photography” to be held in 2026 to celebrate the birth of the first photograph that was taken by Nicèphore Niepce, on August 19, 1826 entitled “La Cour du dolmaine du Gras”.

We have chosen to open the doors of our space in Paris in October, because in October Paris becomes the center of world art thanks to the many exhibitions and art fairs it hosts:

Art Basel Paris 19/22 October
Art Shopping, Carrousel du Louvre 20/22 October
Salon d’Automne 21/23 October
Asia Now Paris Art Fair 19/22 October
Paris Photo, Grand Palais Ephémèr 09/12 November



– 2 works video exhibited for 1 year in the gallery

– ARTIST IN THE SHOWCASE (with 15/30 works video exhibited in the showcase for 1 full day)

– Creation of ARTIST CARD (Biography, Curriculum, Personal photo, portfolio with 15/30 works with sale price)

– 1 work of the 20 x 20 cm format exhibited for 1 year in “THE WALL PHOTOGRAPHY and DIGITAL ART (the gallery will take care of making the print on dibond of a work or a detail of the work)

DEADLINE: August 31, 2023″

Zoals te lezen valt is Espace Vision’Art een galerie die alleen gewijd is aan fotografie en digitale kunst.
Andere kunstvormen, zoals schilderijen en beeldhouwwerken, worden niet tentoon gesteld.

Het voorstel van de galerie is er echter wel een die interessant kan zijn, doordat het deels een fysieke expositie is én dat deze een heel jaar lang duurt.
Ik zal eerst eens op onderzoek uitgaan of dit niet een zogenaamde Vanity Gallery is.

De deadline van reageren en ingaan op het voorstel is 31 augustus, dus ik heb nog bijna drie weken de tijd om een en ander uit te zoeken.

Wordt misschien vervolgd.