Persoonlijke uitnodiging voor Project Leaders Protagonists of Art at Washington

Via de e-mail ontving ik de uitnodiging van de Effetto Arte Foundation voor een internationale prijs, publicatie en expositie in Washington D.C., Verenigde Staten!
Het project heet Leaders – Protagonists of Art at Washington.

Van deze organisatie, de Effetto Arte Foundation, heb ik inmiddels al een flink aantal internationale prijzen mogen ontvangen en heeft er toe geleid dat ik ook in andere netwerken terecht kom.
De aankomende fototentoonstelling in Parijs die een jaar lang duurt, is daar een voorbeeld van, maar ook de tentoonstelling vorig jaar in Brugge is min of meer te danken aan deze organisatie omdat zij mij hiermee op de kaart zetten en vooral lovend over mijn werk zijn.

Zoals op de website van de stichting valt te lezen:
“We love to call ourselves art lovers.

A passion that for over a decade has spurred us to publish, study, review and exhibit without respite.

From the Eiffel Tower to the MEAM in Barcelona, ​​from the Palaexpo in Verona to the New York fair, our organization guarantees high planning standards. Our installations, with attention to the smallest details, stood out both for the exclusivity of the locations (museums, historic buildings, theaters) and for the high number of visitors.

We love to accompany the visitor on a global artistic experience, which also includes listening to good music at our events. Artists such as Edoardo Bennato, Katia Ricciarelli, Morgan, Dolcenera, Danilo Rea, Alba Parietti, Moni Ovada, Mattew Lee, Piero Chiambretti, Red Ronnie, Philippe Daverio, Edoardo Sylos Labini, Luca Beatrice, Angelo Crespi and Vittorio Sgarbi attended our events, and the list goes on.”

De uitnodiging die ik nu ontving van de organisatie gaat over een prijs die ik in ontvangst mag nemen tijdens een event in Washington.
De e-mail staat hieronder:

“Dear Tjeerd,

The project Leaders Protagonists of Art at Washington curated by Francesco Saverio Russo and Salvatore Russo was conceived with the idea of selecting a limited number of Artists to be valorised through an international publication.

The aim of the curators of the project is to identify the artists who can best stand out in the difficult field of contemporary art.

The location for the award ceremony will be Washington, as it is home to the famous “White House” which is considered to be the residence of one of the most influential LEADERS in the world: the President the United States of America.

The appointment in the American capital for the great awards ceremony is set for November 24 2023 in the Capitol CD ROOM of the Embassy Suites by Hilton Washington DC Convention Center. On this occasion, the selected works will be exhibited on video in the presence of art experts and personalities from different parts of the world.

If the artist will not be present at the awards ceremony, the prize will be sent home.

It is one of the most prestigious art project awarded in the heart of Washington.

Also on “CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS” Vol. VI you will find an article on the history of the Leaders together with the artworks of the Artists participating.

Today we often hear about leaders and leadership, but what exactly does it mean to be a leader?

What characteristics should a leader own, how should he behave?

The term “leader” comes from the English verb “to lead” which means “to guide”.

The leader is the one who has the ability to assume a leading role within a group of people and direct them towards the achievement of a specific objective.

He is a figure capable of influencing strategies, opinions and behaviors within a group, and of tran#sforming this group into a team, creating a sense of identity and belonging.

Even if some people are born with more pronounced natural talents than others, leadership appears rather determined by a series of skills and characteristics, almost all of which can be improved or potentially acquired over time with study, observation and application.

The aim of the “LEADERS – Protagonists of Art in Washington” project, is to search for all those contemporary artists (painters, sculptors, photographers, video artists, digital artists) who incarnate leadership.

More precisely, the project, that was strongly desired by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Francesco Saverio Russo, aims to select artists who are currently able to be recognized within the art world through their expressive language.

The qualities that a LEADER – Art Master must possess are: remarkable creative capacity, recognition of his works, seriousness in the choice of expressive themes, novelty of the language, curriculum and international recognition and above all must prove to be capable of being considered a real PROTAGONIST of contemporary art.

The curators of the Project are Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo

You will be eligible for:
– A page into the art book CONTEMPORARY Celebrity Masters Vol. VI in the section dedicated to the “LEADERS PROTAGONISTS OF ART AT WASHINGTON”.
– A copy of the art book CONTEMPORARY Celebrity Masters Vol. VI.
– Conferment of “LEADERS PROTAGONISTS OF ART AT WASHINGTON” (precious customized plate).
– A page into the official catalog of the event “LEADERS PROTAGONISTS OF ART AT WASHINGTON”.
– A copy the official catalog of the event “LEADERS PROTAGONISTS OF ART AT WASHINGTON”.
– Video Exhibition of one work at Capital room at Washington DC Convention Center of Washington on November 24th.”

Prachtige woorden waarom ik onder ander ben uitgekozen voor deze prijs.

De deadline voor insturen van een foto is 30 september 2023.
Het is even lastig in te schatten of ik hier aan mee zal doen en bovenal of er wel een geschikte foto voor deze prijs is.
Ik ben nu ook simpelweg met te veel dingen bezig en heb de nodige ballen in de lucht te houden, maar ik houd dit zeker in mijn achterhoofd.

Meer info volgt wellicht op een later moment.

Voor een overzicht van alle berichten over internationale prijzen van Effetto Arte Foundation: volg deze link.