Foto van Julia’s en Merels 1e fotoshoot toegevoegd.
Palmares | ||
PhotoCrowd | Top 25% (feitelijk 24%) “Passionate About Pink” (8 augustus 2017) |
500px | Score: 95,8 (28 juni 2017) |
Reacties op de foto: | |
Perfect lighting, especially bringing out these two beautiful young ladies reddish hair. As usual, excellent work! | Michael Sturgeon |
Perfect lighting! | Dirk Noort |
That’s so wonderful, Tjeerd! | Delores Poll |
A delightful capture of these two charming models, Tjeerd! Wonderful work again! | Hanna Schermer |
Full of smiles, so lovely double portrait, Tjeerd ! I like their V-signs and Merel’s hair ornament. | Yokai Catchlight |
Great work! | Leo Pöcksteiner |
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd! | Klaus Heineman |
So adorable, Tjeerd! | Marianne Clement |
Amazing, well done, Tjeerd! | Henri van Ham |
Impressive portrait work, one’s again, Tjeerd! Both girls exude vital joy and amusement. Beside this, it’s technically beautiful captured. | Sven Olav Vahlenkamp |
Awesome portrait! | Dave Kuekat |
Cool portrait, Tjeerd! Very inspirational! | Randy Poll |
Excellent image, Tjeerd. I love the smiles. They will cheer everyone up! | Geoffrey West |