Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1412) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1412) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Een foto van Claartje’s 10e fotoshoot uit 2014 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen. Het is nu de achtentwintigste foto die deze status heeft gekregen .
Die status krijgt een foto als deze wordt uitgekozen door de editors van YouPic.
Een foto van Claartje’s 5e fotoshoot uit 2013 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen. Het is nu de zevenentwintigste foto die deze status heeft gekregen .
Die status krijgt een foto als deze wordt uitgekozen door de editors van YouPic.
Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1406BW) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Een foto van Claartje’s 3e fotoshoot uit 2013 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (0306) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1408) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen. Het is nu de drieëntwintigste foto die deze status heeft gekregen .
Die status krijgt een foto als deze wordt uitgekozen door de editors van YouPic.
Palmares | ||
YouPic | Status Inspiration (30 maart 2015) | |
500 px | Score: 89,1 (30 maart 2015) |
Reacties op de foto:
Leuk idee!
Awesome capture! Love it!
This is so amazing, Tjeerd!
I absolutely love this. It’s brilliant!
Love your creativity! Even though her face is covered I can still see her expression. Strong picture looking forward to seeing more.
Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1407) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Een foto van Claartje’s 14e fotoshoot uit 2015 heeft op YouPic de status Inspiration gekregen.
Lees verder Foto Claartje (1406) bereikt status Inspiration op YouPic
Net een mailtje gekregen van Phlearn dat bovenstaand foto is opgenomen in de lijst met 30 foto’s van “Weekend Inspiration CXL” op Phlearn! Het voelt als een eer dat de foto hiervoor is uitgekozen.
Hello,this is Angela Butler, I work at Phlearn — a photography and photoshop website dedicated to making creative people better.On our website we have a weekly feature called Weekend Inspiration. We featured one of your photos on our most recent edition of Weekend Inspiration “RED Weekend Inspiration CXL (140)” and I am just messaging you to let you know. You can share this with your friends and fans if you want!You can check it out here:Thank you! Love your work, have a great day!All the best,– Angela Butler
Palmares | ||
Phlearn | RED Weekend Inspiration (14 maart 2015) | |
500 px | Score: 95,6 (1 maart 2015) |
Reacties op de foto:
Je hebt er weer een meesterwerk van gemaakt…. Super man….!!
Caspario Norberto
Absolutely beautiful tight shot. Really well done!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
Lovely shot! The garment really works well to bring out the color of her eyes. Great styling!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
The flaring out of the dress (caused by the motion) really creates a wonderful geometry and composition within the frame – a fairly strong diagonal that contrasts the vertical of the model. That and the triangle caused by the motion of the lower part of the dress make this an awesome frame!! As always, your lighting looks fantastic and even while twirling the model has a great expression as she confronts the camera. Wow! Really great photography here!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
I’m just envious of your abilities!! (In a good way!)
I love the sense of movement within the image; likewise the expression and vibrant colours!
Doug Ross
Awesome shot! I like these tight crops of yours that bring us right to the eyes. Beautifully lit and the retouching looks flawless to my eye. Really great work again and a beautiful model!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
I like the parallelism of the headposition forced by the position of the right arm in contrast to the orthogonal lips and eyes creates dynamic, great compositorial work. The color choice is great, gold and silver tones and the bright green and black background creates a special mood. Finally the little sadness in the eyes of the girls makes this shot a special one, wonderful work!
Norbert Stojke
The colours and background work really well. l wonder if a black and white version would be really dramatic- especially with the contrasts in the dress. Great work.
Doug Ross
Tjeerd, this picture is really awesome. Claartjes way of looking is brilliant, the little sadness and fragility and the way how to capture this beautiful girl is perfect. The technical brilliance and the right way to crop is great photographical handcraft. But what you transport is not only technical perfectness it is respect for your model and showing a person with all there feelings. I am really a fan of your wonderful portraits.
Norbert Stojke
They both have beautiful light skin and the background with bokeh makes them stand out. Really nice work!!
Yokai Catchlight
Love this portrait. Beautiful composition, light and expression, looks great in black and white. Nice work, Tjeerd :))
Claudia Schwardt
Great shot, good choice of pov and stunning dynamic in it. Wonderful work again!
Norbert Stojke
Beautiful girl with blue eyes, brown hair, yellow sunflower, pink lips, red costume!
I especially like her transparent skin. Excellent portrait as always!
Yokai Catchlight
Beautiful portrait, Claartje looks so lovely with the sunflower in her hair and her eyes are really stunning. Great work, Tjeerd :))
Claudia Schwardt
This portrait really stands out for me. Work very well in black and white. Nice processing.. great tone balance, lighting and depth.
Most of all I like the way she looked in the camera… great expression and pose. Beautiful portrait and a beautiful girl, nicely done :))
Claudia Schwardt
Perfect lighting and beautiful pose!
Photographing models at their home make them relaxed for sure.
Yokai Catchlight
Nice portrait with seasonal words (I mean fallen leaves and soft autumn light)!
Yokai Catchlight
Wonderful portrait. She has beautiful perfect fair skin. She does look as if she’s made of porcelain, like a doll. I love her make-up 🙂
Lovely smooth colours, beautifully done. Always a pleasure to see your beautiful work!
Claudia Schwardt
This is a great photo! I wish I had time to comment on them all. You have a great talent. Your portraits are always stunning.
Brian Jarman
I wish I had time to comment on all your photos. You have a great talent. Your portraits are always stunning.
It’s always a pleasure to see your beautiful work!
Het zijn gewoon allemaal schitterende foto’s. Respect!
You are a great portrait photographer!
You are such an amazing photographer. I like your pictures. Your pictures are full of emotion and artistry. Will be an inspiration for me 🙂
Congratulations and I look forward to more 🙂
It’s your eye and technique which results in such photos.
You make wonderful portraits. Chapeau.
Prachtige serie portretten heb je, het moeilijkste van fotograferen vind ik.
Je maakt prachtige portretten.
Zoals ik reeds in het verleden gezegd heb: uitmuntend werk en een eigen stijl. Een aantal portretten knallen eruit én zou ik heel graag eens groot ‘aan de muur’ zien hangen.
Technisch alle aspecten dik voor elkaar.
’t Moet me trouwens van ’t hart dat ik al jouw portretten van een opmerkelijk en erg hoog niveau vind!
Je maakt schitterende portretten, Tjeerd.
Vol bewondering voor je vakmanschap én de bijzonder fijne souvenirs die je maakt voor je modellen.
Je hele collectie is prachtig.
Ja ja, daar is ie weer met zo’n toffe plaat!!! Mooi gedaan!!!
Very beautiful portrait…. the light is fantastic…
Beautiful portrait :)) Love it :)))
Top foto!
I love the dreamy expression in her eyes <3 wonderful portrait. Nicely done, Tjeerd :))
Stunning shot! Well done!
Very nice, love the life color tone 🙂
Your website is great and I was very impressed about your webdesign creativity.
Another great portrait, harmoninc creation of light and shadow parts, the right eye in perfect positon and focus and at least the melancolic view of your sweet model. I think your model girl is very proud about this picture from her.
So beautiful!
Wow, cutie Claartje with lovely make-up! Like her facial expression very much.
Wonderful portrait. I love the lighting and shadows. Claartje looks so beautiful. Nicely done, Tjeerd :))
Claudia Schwardt
Very beautiful shot… Superb composition… and the light is perfect…
Well done, Tjeerd…!!!
Caspario Norberto
Such fantastic work. This is so amazing. I love the idea <3. I really like your new kind of work, Tjeerd. Your art will take our imagination to a whole new world. Thanks for sharing :))
Claudia Schwardt
Your art will take our imagination to a whole new world. Thanks for sharing :))
Pretty well an absolute classic B & W portrait – which could come from any era! Well done.
Fabuloso retrato!
Wow, what a close up! Amazing!!!
Excellent portrait…!!!
Hey Tjeerd…. What a fantastic shot… very well done…
Fantastic work & gallery :-))
Beautiful smile on a gorgeous woman.
Super portrait – one of the best in the recent collection. Thanks for sharing it.
Nice photo!
Lovely portrait, excellent work. Regards from Mexico, all my best! 🙂
Very nice, Tjeerd! The lighting is beautiful – looks old masters, Rembrandt style which suits this image really well. Awesome job, as always!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
It’s especially impressive that you are able to do this at the models home!
Great work! Another awesome portrait. It’s especially impressive that you are able to do this at the models home!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
Beautiful photo!
Wonderful portrait with great expression!
Great work. It seems you have a muse here in Claartje! I’m using the term “muse” as someone who an artist works with on a regular basis because that person inspires the artist to do their best work. I really like the black and white treatment.
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
Ik vind het echt een schitterend portret! Prachtige make-up, en de ‘krul’ links maakt het spannend.
Absolutely wonderful, Tjeerd! I really like this image lot!
Magic shot my friend!!! Love it :)))
Beautiful portrait!
Awesome portrait! Love her smile and expressions. Great composition!
The bridge gives a nice perspective to this portrait. I love her natural smile very much.
Beautiful shot and she looks so pretty. Very nice work, Tjeerd :))
Fantastic team work….!!! Very beautiful shot …
Pure eyes, lovely dandelion, nice eye contact. I love her skin with transparent feeling!
Yokai Catchlight
De kleuren zijn prachtig op elkaar afgestemd en de paardenbloem laat de foto helemaal sprankelen.
Monique Hefti-Sutman
I’ve been following your work for quite some time now and have been impressed from the beginning. I believe you are one of those few photographers who have perfected their technique to the point that it becomes second nature, allowing you to focus on your art – pose, expression, gesture, color palette, etc – knowing that your skill-set will always be there when you need it to capture accurately your vision for a photograph. Very inspiring to say the least!!
Tjeerds photos are absolutely amazing. I have been watching his work for a while now and he never seizes to amaze me with his incredible pictures. It is hard to believe the progress he is making with every single picture and it is time to give his work the love and support he deserves!
You know I like your work very much!
Amazing shot. Excellent capture.
Wonderful double portrait! I like the similarity of both girls, the same direction they look, the nature around! Another great portrait shot!
Fresh picture! Very nice 😉
Amazing capture! Liked!
Captivating double portrait!! Beautiful eyes, skins, facial expressions, perspective!
I love the poses, expressions and the overall composition of the photo! I like the location. I like outdoor locations more than shootings in a studio…
Great work, Tjeerd!
Good frame…
Beautiful POV!
Great shot… Beautiful DOF… Well done, my friend…
You always post awesome images on here (500px).
Superb portraiture work Tjeerd! This image is a great composition, DoF, and colors .. good job!
This one is really amazing, the old fashion style of Claartje is stunning and the look and the color compostion fits perfectly! Wonderful work!!
Norbert Stojke
Another perfect portrait, cropping excellent, b&w processing very good and you set your model perfect in scene!!
Beautiful capture!
I like the composition and dramatic lighting that is perfect for such a pose. Well done.
Great portrait again, with an awesome color composition and a harmonic mood. Just wonderful!
Beautiful light and capture!!!
Artistic portrait with beautiful light and shadow. Softly shadowed cheek is dramatic, her facial expression and hand pose are impressive for me.
Really nice POV and composition Studio Tjeerd 🙂
Fantastic shot… Amazing light… well done Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait!
Beautiful composition, light and shadows. I love the expression on her face, the pose she is holding and the way her hair falls. She looks gorgeous. Great work, Tjeerd :))
You have a wonderful gallery!! Always love your way to work with light, Tjeerd!
Good shot. Good colours, I like it.
Awesome… the lights and dark side, that reinforce the impression in her face, excellent work!!
Gorgeous portrait, nice touch with her emotion… Great arrangement..!
Wahyu Ono
You created a drama with great lighting and beautiful daffodils! Very colorful and impressive work!
Yokai Catchlight
Wonderful portrait!
Like the contrast in this image and the shadows too! Well done.
Nice image! Can I ask? Natural lighting – or diffused/fill in flash?
I know taking portrait pictures from head to toe is very difficult. But you did perfectly by using wide lens. In addition, you successfully caught not only the beautiful background but also the wind! I love her smiley face as well.
Yokai Catchlight
Wonderful Claartje portrait, the mood of summer, sun, water, wind playing with her hair is so harmonic and the bright shining colors of the clothes and the sky, all fits perfectly together and at least a smile that melts hearts! Great one again!
Norbert Stojke
Pien is a very beautiful model with natural expression. Her orange clothing and earrings are lovely too.
And you are the master who knows how to shoot dreamy backlit portraits! Blurred background with bokeh is really beautiful!!
Yokai Catchlight
Great portrait, it belongs to the photo session. I really admire and I encounter your work from the first time on. The colors of bright green and the golden touch of the pullover fits perfectly to the beautiful young woman. It is a pleasure to look at!
Norbert Stojke
Beautiful smile, lighting and composition. Nice work!
You are the master who knows how to shoot dreamy backlit portraits!
So lovely facial expression with upcurved lips!! She was born to be a model for sure, because her smile is neither affected nor pretentious.
Beautiful portrait.
She has such a stunning smile. Great shot, Tjeerd :))
As the saying goes. NOW your cooking on gas, superb portrait!
Thomas Dyer
What a lovely smile!
Cheerful and beautiful!
Very, very fine portrait!!!! I like her smile!!
Fantastic natural portrait – love the expression and the lighting too! (Sisters?) Continued to be impressed around the work produced by you.
Doug Ross
Happy faces… Wonderful photo… Good friends enjoying life feel. Striking photo!
Barb Kennedy
Verenigde Staten
Beautiful lighting and portrait, love the backlit water splash!
Veeeeery cool shot Tjeerd… Great work…!!!
Joie de vivre, very nice!
Wow! Jij kunt gewoon voor een glossy gaan fotograferen en bewerken hoor. Mijn complimenten!
Pure joy of life, perfect captured!
Wonderful action portrait with excellent composition! Both of them are really lovely and Claartje’s mischievous side is especially cute!
Nice action shot!
Claartje is like a goddess of beauty, she’s really beautiful! And your diagonal shot adds interesting and creative flavors to her beauty. I love her make-up, sauvage hair, cool eyes and red robe sari.
Yokai Catchlight
Expressions are so beautiful and colors and composition are great. Well captured the two beautiful natural girls. Well done!
W Gellani Sayyed
Your profile is full of beautiful photos!
Your portraits are wonderful. Love your work. The magic of an excellent photographer 🙂
Waaauw Tjeerd, wat een prachtige portretten maak je!! Heel mooi deze; klassiek, charmant en lekker eigenwijs met dat tasje, de nagellak en ring. En ze kijkt ook heel mooi. Ik ben erg benieuwd wat je zegt tegen zo’n kind, om haar zo wijs en natuurlijk te laten kijken.
Frans van Hoogstraten
Waaauw Tjeerd, wat een prachtige portretten maak je!! Ik ben erg benieuwd wat je zegt tegen zo’n kind, om haar zo wijs en natuurlijk te laten kijken.
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd. You always have great colors and composition. Your subject’s expression is perfectly reflecting a young age group too. Good job!
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
You always have great colors and composition.
I love it. I would have preferred a bit more ‘retro’ in the processing but it’s still a terrific image as is. Having the young lady looking directly into the lens, the outfit, the unsaturated look all work together to make this image a winner.
Jerry White
Verenigde Staten
I like this photo a lot. I like the outfit too, especially the hat.
Leslie Williams
Beautiful detail. The lighting makes this photo. Perfect as a B/W. Words don’t do it justice. Great work!
Albair Hanna
Verenigde Staten
Beautiful portrait shot!
Great b/w, clear eyes and a nice look/expression
Beautiful b&w portrait, very nice expressions and processing!
Beautiful portrait in a great BW!
Excellent portrait, as always..
Very good work!
Beautiful b/w and beautiful emotion!! Well done to you 2!
Great B&W work ! Our eyes are glued on her eyes and facial expression.
Wonderful work, great b&w processing, beautiful look, perfect cropping, again an extraordinary portrait!
You are a very skilled photographer.
Fantastic image again. I feel like waiting myself at a station for a train. And I glance at a nice young woman, waiting there too. She seems self confident and dreamy. Is she waiting for someone to arrive or will she catch the same train?
Lars Krux
Another awesome portrait from the series, I like her expressions and the vintage dress!
Irfan Zaidi
Verenigde Staten
Lovely and cute!
I love her expressions in this one!
So sweet portrait, Tjeerd! Her faraway look in her eyes is very natural, and I like her mouth open about one centimeter. (^^)
Beautiful image!
Wonderful portrait….very nice lighting and depth isolation, great capture, Tjeerd…!
A bit of Mona Lisa in this attitude, nice portrait!
Semplicemente: grazie!
Heel klassieke beauty!
Classic portrait – seriously well done. Light, expression, colour all super and really pleasing to the eye.
Charming and beautiful portrait!
Great capture Tjeerd – the lovely eyes and expression are impressive.
A lovely cheerful picture. Well done to you 2.
Beautiful lady! Excellent portrait ++++
Lovely Pien with a sweet smile again ! I like her unaffected ( or natural ) expression very much.
So beautiful photo….nice capture..!
Oh, Pien … all you have to do is to stay there. You are so innocent and cute! (^^)
I like her natural expression. Bokeh on the left and backlight on the right are terrific!!
Beautiful and charming girl, lovely light and portrait.
Wonderful photo. Outstanding image. Extremely well done.
Good pose! Vote!
Great light and lovely shot!
Tjeerd, again you have demonstrated your skills and talents combined in this lovely portrait image. You have captured the person and applied excellent techniques for attaining bokeh with an f/4 setting. Good job!
Great expression, impressive shot!
Brilliant portrait!
I love the light and colours outside surrounding this girls face. You really made an excellent portrait out of this :))
Pien a compliment for the expression. Good job also Tjeerd!
Interesting and hilarious 🙂
A lot of fun, what a creative idea you have!
I like his professional-like performance and Pien’s facial expression.
Another great natural portrait. Love the lighting on this!
Beautiful portrait with great expression!
Beautiful prop, eye contact and lighting! Beautiful portrait work, my dear friend!
Beautiful light from the left! It makes Pien stand out. I like the blurred green leaves in the foreground as well.
Please don’t ever stop this brilliant series of portrait shots! 🙂
Wow. kan met wat nabewerking zo 100 jaar terug in de tijd. Echt goed, mooie belichting, dank je wel.
LOL! Super idea! Well done!!!
Lovely expression and shot!
Mooi! Goede uitdrukking op haar gezicht 🙂
Awesome framing under the umbrella and green in the foreground.
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Wonderful portrait….great lighting and capture..!
She looks gorgeous and beautiful. I like the effective backlighting and cool eyes.
Beautifully done!
So beautiful as always 🙂
A very sweet photo-portrait!!
What a lovely smile!
Maravilhosa foto, bela menina a pose é encantadora.
(Prachtige foto, mooi meisje en de pose is prachtig,)
Nice shot!
Very beautiful portrait!
That is really great, the intense look the wonderful skintones, the cropping makes this portrait a special one. Great idea and work!
Norbert Stojke
COOOOOOL shot…. superb…. :-))
So beautiful….. well done Tjeerd…. great work…!!!
Gorgeous 🙂
Op deze foto is (nog) niet gereageerd.
This is a lovely composition in a natural environment of a beautiful model. Excellent work!! I love the colors too!
A very beautiful natural light portrait of a natural beauty!
Glad to see Claartje again! She looks really beautiful in red. And I like the contrast between red and green in the background. Her facial expression is natural!
Beautiful portrait! Great look!
Love these reds in the green background bokeh! Lovely portrait work!
Mooie kleuren!!
Wat een gezellige en kleurige foto
Prachtig, cool kleur, uitstekend compositie 🙂
Beautiful portrait!
Tjeerd, you are a master of studio lighting!
Great work! Really amazing stuff!
Is this the first location shot I’ve seen? I can’t remember, but it’s a great one! Really like the low angle a lot!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
My congratulations on the excellent photographs in his gallery.
Erg mooi!
So beautiful! Love the vintage tones an feel to this shot! Beautiful umbrella, model and her pose. Great work.
Irfan Zaidi
Verenigde Staten
What you transport is not only technical perfectness, it is respect for your model and showing a person with all their feelings. I am really a fan of your wonderful portraits.
Super shot, Tjeerd!
Superb facial expression!
Interesting expression – draws you in!
Nice!!!!! Again well done to you 2!
Lovely Pien with pure eyes!
Wonderful shot!
She has beautiful eyes, so full of expressions, great shot!
Lovely portrait; great use of light and colour. Well done.
Superb portrait!
Wow, so nice! They’re blossoms of youth!!
Excellent photo. Really beautiful. Very well done.
Very nice, Studio Tjeerd!
Oh! my what a clock … but I love the image, nice subtle colours, well done, Studio Tjeerd.
Leslie Williams
Beautiful girl! Great portrait!
Very pretty 🙂
Beautiful model!!
How lovely!
Beautiful shot!
Prachtig shot!
Excellent work!
Awesome portrait, great eyes and expression.
Cute Pien with nice pose and beautiful flower crown on her head. This headpiece doesn’t just make it pretty but also adds colorful texture. I like your gold reflector effect as well.
This is such a feel good portrait her smile lights up the world!
Dave Kuekat
Verenigde Staten
Yes… she looks like an angel 😉
Wow!! Beautiful eyes – awesome portraiture work, Tjeerd. Keep up the good work!
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
Nice work!
So beautiful image!
Wow! Fantastic light control! I’m certain your model had to be pleased with these results!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
Deze is heeel mooi, kleur, looks, uitdrukking!!!!
The beste picture today … super shot … * on the way 🙂
Joy! Great Shot! Nominated.
Charming smile, beautiful portrait!
This picture really is alive. And that’s important. Excellent work!
Looks like a lot of fun! Using mask is a great idea. Is this mask yours or hers?
Geweldige foto Tjeerd, gefeliciteerd.
Awesome, winning eyes and smile, perfect editing.
Super, and her face, a beautiful woman. Well done, great!!
Beautiful smile, great capture!
Wonderful smile and expression. I’m usually not a big fan of ‘Mask photographs’. But this is a great example of how the genre should be recorded.
Lovely portrait with great expression!
Lovely carnevale portrait, Tjeerd!
Excellent portrait 🙂 * Nom ****
Wonderful portrait again, Tjeerd. The light on her face is leading the eye to the right direction. Model, face and expression are awesome – as usual 🙂
Lars Krux
Beautiful body portrait, wonderful colors and harmonic presentation, perfect placement of your model, a striking proof of your fantastic photographic and artistic work.
Norbert Stojke
How beautiful!
This is wonderful Tjeerd, such a dreamy look, great eyes and styling. Star’ed .-)
Excellent quality and superb backlighting.
Interesting look: wonder what is going through Merel’s mind at this point!
Great colors… Perfect shot…!!!
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd! Love Merels pure eyes and touch of silk on her skin. The light from the right makes nice shadow on her face.
Awesome, Tjeerd! I love the balance of light and shadow, colors, expression, eyes and your choice of the image section.
Nice closeup shot! Did you colored gels? Nice composition and effect!
Great play and balance of pale colors, very harmonic and smooth style. Great work, Tjeerd!
Lars Krux
Beautiful portraiture work! I love that rim light… nicely done!
Steve Frazier
Verenigde Staten
Superb pose, eye contact and skin tones, superbly handled.
Beautiful girls, wonder shot!
Beautiful portrait!
Splendido lavoro e bellissime modelle complimenti…
Triple the effect :))
Can I borrow one? Nicely done by you! I almost lost count now, so many!
The Fantastic Three! It’s great to see them together on one photo. It is fascinating to see how closely the resemble each other on one hand and how different and diverse they are on the other hand. As usual, incredible models, styling, expression.
Interesting portrait – and pose! Love the eyes!
Perfect eye contact beautifully done.
Great work…
Mooie close-up!!
Wowwww… Gorgeous Charlie’s Angels…. 😉
GREAT work, Tjeerd… Superbly done… !!
Wonderful portrait, perfect motions and harmonic color and light and a cute model who knows how to act in front of a professional photographer! Perfect work!
Norbert Stojke
Very pretty!
Beautiful light, pose, expressions and portrait!
Great work!
Beautiful portrait work!
Great portrait!
The way she looks into your camera charms me so much! Really nice portrait, Tjeerd!
A beautiful day dreamy expression. Well done again you 2!
Nicely done again ST, I’ve never seen you shoot a mediocre image yet. Good for you.
I’ve never seen you shoot a mediocre image yet. Good for you.
Your portraits are beautiful!
Beautiful models and wonderful capture. You work is beautiful 🙂
Excellent shot, congrats!
Beautiful model, lovely lighting and pose!
Great light and the trio works.
Nearly a Mona Lisa likely unnoticeable smile 🙂 Great use of light and a very nice model! Really like the result!
Another awesome composition. I really like the way you setup the light and the eyes. They are very clear bright and express to be courious about something. Great shot, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait! Nice work!
Beautiful shot, Studio!!
Mmm … so nice light as always! We need to have a good lighting for better portraits. You know how to set up lights effectively. May I ask you how many lights you used to take this photo?
Nice: very nice!
Beautiful portrait….beautiful lighting!
Beautiful shot!
Excellent composition, beautiful portrait.
Sweet Pien surrounded by beautiful flowers! A butterfly on the hat adds a poetic atmosphere or sentiment.
Beautiful colors, composition and portrait work!
Another masterpiece, congrats! Model, motive, colors, expression, light, shadow – everything is so well balanced.
Has to be one of your best, superb! * from me.
Excellent portrait, great tones.
Wooov superb in B/W … *nom
Lovely shot!
Perfect image!
Beautiful portrait, fantastic the union of the dark clothes and the background. Wonderful work!
Norbert Stojke
Skillful lighting as always! The shadows on the right are very nice. I like her relaxed smile as well.
Lovely smile!
A sweet little smiles. Nice light again. Well done to you all!
Nice, nice…!
Awesome Tjeerd, such a lovely arrangement. It is a great work especially with the eyes, expression and the well selected details which let your images become special, here the flowers and the purple emphasis of the eyes.
Beautiful portrait….light and her smile are gorgeous…!
Beautiful and charming smile! Lovely portrait work!
Another very nice shot, you’re doing well.
Wonderful portrait!
Your work is fantastic. Wonderful portrait 🙂
Just wondering – what she’s thinking about! Nice natural image. Well done.
Amazing light play!
Beautiful girl, awesome light and portrait!
Nice angle of the light! It makes her angel of the light!! (^^)
Wonderful portrait as always, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait with great expression!
Excellent work… Great composition….
Fine portrait, dreamy eyes and a secret “Mona” smile. Awesome hair, a very nice composition and model.
Mooi de natuurlijke lach, kleurrijke ogenreflectie’s en pose!
Willem Huwae
Beautiful and charming girl, lovely lighting and portrait work!
Excellent use of backlight! Pien’s hair looks so beautiful. And I like her innocent expression. I can’t stop looking at her pure eyes.
I have to admit that your model is so beautiful! Last I would like to credit you as an artist because I believe that this fantastic picture depends a lot on your talent!!! Happy to let us see your work!
Makis Prodromi
I would like to credit you as an artist because I believe that these fantastic pictures depends a lot on your talent!!! Happy to let us see your work!
A funny and different perspective! Really nice 🙂
I like it very much ! I think leaving something to the imagination can be more beautiful than baring it all. Excellent work!
Pretty beautiful smile, face. I like this picture very much, its look makes a lovely scene in mind!
Very nice shot!
Feel good work!
Love the natural smile and expressions in this one my dear friend!, even though the face is not showing you can imagine the wrinkle in the corner of her eyes! Love the colors, composition and everything in this one!
Two thumbs up for your work!
Excellent…. very beautiful shot…. GREAT…!!!
Great work, congrats!
Beautiful flying hair, lovely expressions, awesome composition and lighting, wonderful work!
Love the colours, composition; another super portrait. Well done!
Super fresh use of complimentary colours 🙂 Excellent capture!
Lovely! Excellent work!
Really beautiful! Claartje seems to be totally the goddess.
Beautiful portrait work!
Beautiful portrait with great expression!
De blik van Claartje heb je erg mooi vast weten te leggen. Erg mooi!
Great portrait, as always, congrats.
Super Tjeerd, heel mooi gedaan.
So lovely! Wonderful portrait!
Absolutely beautiful!
Fascinating portrait, Tjeerd! Key light from right side makes her face three-dimensional. You are the master of lighting!!
You’re the master of lighting!!
A nostalgic atmosphere, lovely portrait! Like a movie heroine…
Wonderful portrait as always 🙂
I can feel her directly look at ‘me’. That’s an very important quality in this fine portrait! Well done!
Lovely, natural image, Tjeerd. Well done.
Wonderful and vibrant!
Nice movement in the picture and a nice matching background!! Well done again to you all!!
Wow, creative and inspiring portrait! I like her profile with natural smile.
Awesome pose and hair movement! Wonderful bokeh and shot!
Great composition! Congrats!
Nice work, Studio!
Wonderful portrait…love the lighting & colors!
Excellent portrait!
Really beautiful. I like the created action. It really gives some extra dynamism to the frame 🙂
Soft and gorgeous, a very beautiful model and mono portrait!
Dave Kuekat
Verenigde Staten
Stunning and creative!
Bet she is over the moon with this! Wonderful light and backdrop!
Superb quality and movement.
Superb work, the pose and flowers are an excellent composition.
Love the posing!
A surprising and fresh way to compose these three models together, Tjeerd! Really nice work 🙂
Wonderful pov, composition and shot, love the setup for this one!
Beautiful portrait….wonderful framing & light! impressive beauty….
Beautiful portrait!
Verrassend…! Mooi gedaan!
Gaaf man… Fantastisch gedaan…!!!
Lovely portrait work! 🙂
Beautifully captured and framed. Superb lighting control. Great work.
Off the beaten track.
A beautiful triangle into a square. Nice crop. Good work from you all.
Gorgeous triangle, great work! This composition will be useful for me as a reference.
So lovely. A really beautiful portrait. The lighting is perfect and I like the black and white conversion. You’ve done really good work here, Tjeerd.
Claudia Schwardt
This is a beautiful shot! I love her smile, the sunflower in her hair and the movement in the picture. It’s a really wonderful portrait, it exudes lightness, optimism and vitality. Very well done, Tjeerd!
I absolutely love this portrait! Beautiful and perfect framing with the umbrella and the lovely lighting, it looks so unique and dreamy! The atmosphere is just beautiful! It’s perhaps your best shot so far. Simply beautiful!
Claudia Schwardt
The colour combination is great my friend, and I really like Merels moment of “thought” :))
Woww COOL light and colors… fantastic work Tjeerd….!!
Very interesting image Tjeerd … I like it.
The lights you use are always inspiring! Blue back light is very captivating. Cool work, Tjeerd!
Beautiful hair movement and pose as she is enjoying the wind on her face, lovely colored backlight contrasting with her face! Lovely portrait work!
Nice work!
You always shoot beautifully clean photos, processing …. well they’re excellent too.
Excellent work!
Excellent light and effect.
Nice blend of light and shadow! Light scattered by your softbox wraps nicely around Julia.
Well framed, excellent eye contact (with the viewer) and a good capture Tjeerd 🙂
Great Work Tjeerd… beautiful light and contrast…
The white square in her eyes tells me you have used one softbox which was placed at your right side a little bit lower as your camera… but i see only a little bit shadow… is it because the softbox was very close to your camera…?? or was there plenty ambient light ..??
Lovely; natural portrait! Again well done.
Beautiful and sweet! Love how comfortably she is looking in the camera as if she does care about its presence. Great work!
Beautiful and charming, love the pose and lighting, great shot!
Irfan Zaidi
Verenigde Staten
I like your light-setting!
Beautifully backlit portrait ! Dust in the air and downy hair make this image more attractive.
Beautiful portrait, love her pose and lighting!
It looks very natural, and that’s important I think. I also like the special good eye contact with her to us right eye, and the light that shines through the tiny hairs on her arms. Makes it more fascinating. So all together: A very good shot! 🙂
Although she has a small shadow over her face, I anyway perceive this as a brilliant image. In this case the shadow actually helps to amplify the movement and dynamism of the shot (of course together with the dress that floats and her spontaneous and instant smile). A superior capture!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
What should I say? Beautifully done by you all. A super light and the motion!! Great work!
Piet Wijma
Exceptional. Congratulations.
Really nice and natural portrait! 🙂
Beautiful and charming! Lovely lighting and expression!
Roos is a cute girl with a bright smile. I like her curly hairstyle very much. Lighting from the right looks very nice.
A smile is always beautiful!!! Well done again!!
Great image! Congrats!
Great dancing portrait, you force the dynamic with the wide diagonal posing of the arms. The background fits perfect to the black dress and the beautiful clear skintones, great shot again!
Norbert Stojke
Beautiful capture and perfect lighting. Great work!
Jefferson Davis
Verenigde Staten
The processing is superb, equal to the best I’ve seen on this site.
Leslie Williams
I like the light, cut out (uitsnede, beeldvulling) detail and expression very much! It must be a plessure to take photo’s of this model 🙂
Jan Wout de Geus
Excellent take with superb expression, outstanding portrait of a beautiful model!
Syed Ali Sajid
Verenigde Staten
Very impressive work, Tjeerd! Beautifully illuminated, great harmony within the frame, and great, “personal” eye contact with this model. Well done!
Claudia Schwardt
Prachtig portret, Tjeerd, en een wonderschoon model in een mooie ingetogen pose.
Jos Einmahl
Een geweldige foto. Hoe langer ik er naar kijk hoe mooier ze wordt.
Ted Loeff
Gefeliciteerd man, het moest er met de foto’s die jij maakt een keer van komen. FOTO van de DAG. Super mooi en verdiend.
Jos Einmahl
Impressive portrait! I like this b/w work as well as your previous color version. B/w portraiture makes us pause, look closely.
Beautiful photo. well done, in a home!!
Beautiful portrait work!
Wonderful composed!
Beautiful portrait, great work, congrats.
What a beautiful face and what a corresponding beautiful work that you have put into this! Awesome result, Tjeerd!
Amazingly incredible! The idea is genious! Great great! Love it!
Excellent photography!
Magnifique 🙂
Excellent work 🙂
This photo deserves a star from me.
Beautiful work, nice portrait!
Wow!! Awesome composition and beautiful work Tjeerd! Really impressive! :))
Een prachtig plaatje. Mooie compositie, Tjeerd!
Wow, so gorgeous and beautiful ! She looks really angelic!!
Admirable and beautiful work. Congratulations.
Superb image Tjeerd. Has to be one of your all time greats!
Lovely portrait!
Tjeerd – like this a lot – Great to see a reminder of summer and love the retro feel too.
Glad to see Pien again. I like her innocent look and your beautiful light control. Blurred green in the foreground looks so nice too.
Love the soft tones, beautiful portrait!
Wow, very creative image, Tjeerd !! You have clever strategy. I will never come up with a good idea like this.
Nice shot!
Oh dear I do hope this was staged! Great idea Tjeerd!
Nice work!
Pien with the umbrella, one of my favorites. I absolutely love this shot, looks so lovely and dreamy. Pien looks incredibly charming. Nicely done, Tjeerd :))
The shot is very well done, but I think for an angel she’s wearing too much makeup. Of course this is only my opinion! Anyway, I still love this portrait. I love her beautiful long hair and her amazing blue eyes. and the lighting is absolutely great… Merel shines like an angel in the moonlight. She’s an angel indeed! :))
Such a wonderful work, Tjeerd. Really great processing! I love this artlook and I would like to see more pictures like this :))
Like this one too. Very nice!
Excellent! Superb quality.
Superb detail!
Very good!
Excellent expression and quality.
Stunning and beautiful. Congratulations.
Creative work, mate!
Outstanding picture!
Excellent work! Well deserved star.
Congrats on your well deserved star 🙂
Congrats on this wonderful inspiration 🙂
Mooi en een bijzonder licht!
Congrats on your star my friend. So well deserved 🙂
Fantastic lighting and head shot, beautiful portrait work!
Irfan Zaidi
Verenigde Staten
Admirable work. Congratualtions.
Great work, like especially the backlight.
Beautiful skin colors make a nice contrast against the backdrop! Love your backlit control as well!
Beautiful portrait!
Like the image a lot. Wondering did you use a single back light on this portrait – or simply a soft box and a fill in soft box on the right hand side (looking at Terra?) I like the interesting almost halo effect on the outside of her arms.
Excellent capture, Tjeerd…..wonderful portrait..!
A nice picture. Both posture and facial expression are neutral. You lose the dynamic aspects, but it is still a good shot. And it is clearly intended that it should be so. Well done 🙂
Beautiful portrait work of a young girl!
Beautiful portrait!
Great portrait, beautiful image!
Nice Tjeerd: very nice. Well done.
The young fine lady, and beautiful light work Tjeerd! A very charming portrait, that showes your photographic skills.
Excellent lighting skill as always! She looks gorgeous and beautiful!
Wow, Tjeerd, this one is so great, the focus on the eyes fits so perfectly and the beautiful skintones with the contrasting red lips and the dark hat, what a wonderful work!
Norbert Stojke
Lol. Shooting is also to make fun!!!
A very funny capture :)) Good to let loose sometimes.
Elegant and classic! Harmonious and delightful… Nothing more to say 🙂
Tjeerd: One of your best images thus far. Lighting, tonal quality and expression is just spot on. Well done. Print and frame this – it’s simply that good!
A really nice personal look! Merel is experienced when it comes to being photographed. It is easy to see. She is photogenic and a nice model. In addition, the image must be taken in the right way. The only thing that distracts somewhat from the main focus is the light on top that I think is a little too visible. But that’s just my personal opinion. I think you’ve done a good job with this one Tjeerd 🙂
It’s a beautiful B/W.
Tres belle une étoile de moi *** Le portrait est magnifique. Beau modèle aussi!!!
(Heel mooi. Een ster van mij. Het portret is magnifiek. Ook een mooi model!!!)
Excellent monochrome.
Great work as always, Tjeerd! Imperfect images are often more attractive and appealing than stereotype images. I think this is one of them. In fact, the lighting behind her is captivating and original. And I like her facial expression very much. I am drawn to her charm. (^^)
Mooi werk als altijd! Mooi dromerige uitdrukking…
Beautiful portrait shot, lights and model.
Congrats on your * excellent work!
Beautiful portait, great look and expression!
Nice shot!
Perfect and perfect :))
Beautiful work and romantic style portrait!
The black knitted sweater (?) really suits Merel. And I like the cool contrast between the clothing and backdrop. The flower crown looks lovely as an accent. Wonderful work as always, Tjeerd!
Nice portrait!
Well done, Tjeerd. Lovely image.
I’m not the biggest fan of flowers in the hair shots – but this image works in so many ways. I like the fall off in the light and the expression on Merel’s face. Likewise the way the light highlights her hair and face on her right hand side.
Doug Ross
Gorgeous portrait. Excellent light and framing. And those eyes are incredible!
Ari Parviainen
Claartje is really a beautiful girl. On top of that, color contrast is captivating. I really like this image.
Beautiful work of art, Tjeerd! Glossy facial expression with pure eyes, delicate contrast between her hair and backdrop and (needless to say) fantastic lighting!
Yokai Catchlight
Two thumbs up for this capture!! My thoughts when I saw this: let the light flow, and let me embrace it…. Let it enlighten my eyes and my mind :))
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
A nicely pensive picture! The clothes are dark (as the background), which in a very fine way highlights what’s important.
Awesome image! I love the motion in this image!
Great motion shot Tjeerd… very well done…. 🙂
Like the essence of movement, nice shot.
Your gallery is wonderful – very inspiring!
I love your work – well done!
Lovely idea – well taken.
Beautiful portrait! Very pretty model!
Excellent portrait & beautiful lighting, very well done!
Great capture!
Stunning portrait, love it!!
Wonderful dance motion photography, Tjeerd! The blurred hand and skirt look attractive. In addition to that the light and shadow successfully add this image three-dimensional depth. Really nice work!!
I’m commenting on this image as a Photographic Judge.
Great sharp eye contact with excellent catchlights, the rim hairlight separates the model from the background very nicely, the pose is very relaxed and natural, top marks.
Wonderful work! Great light, very good expression!!
Great portrait!
MAN!!!! The eye’s are killer. Nice work!
Superb portrait great expression and a perfect lighting set up especialy like the rim light on the models hair!
I am attracted by the look in her eyes. This is above reason, lighting and make-up are perfect though!
Sweet portrait.
Gorgeous portrait and gorgeous girl! Perfect lighting here! I really like her eyes! Great work 🙂
You’re doing some wonderful portrait work! So I am now following you… Thanks!
You’re doing some wonderful portrait work! So I am now following you… Thanks!
What an absolute stunner. Beautiful model, beautiful composition, and beautiful lighting. Congratulations.
You are one heckuva great portrait photographer!
You are one heckuva great portrait photographer!
Superb quality, Tjeerd!
What a sweet looking girl.. Nicely captured !!!
Ik vind het mooi gemaakt, met die felle bruine ogen, en ’n mooi gezicht.
Beauty … !
Beautiful portrait work and closeup!
Your work I like very much. Excuse my English, that translates Google for me 🙂
It’s a beautiful shot!
Good work!
Wonderful portrait with great expression!
So lovely portrait!
As usual, quite a lovely portrait. Are you using a single strobe close up, or more than one light Tjeerd?
An amazing model!
Beautiful work and result!! Another bright spot this day :)) Thanks!
A great portrait of a great model!
Great work….!!! Beautiful light… Well done…
A superb portrait capture Tjeerd. Your gallery is outstanding … beautiful work!
Your gallery is outstanding … beautiful work!
She’s so lovely!
Great crop angle and you can feel the movement of the hair and dress, again the model is nice and relaxed and very comfortable in front of the camera.
Beautiful shot Tjeerd! Love the angle here! Very nice.
Beautiful portrait and fantastic light well done!
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd ! She looks cool as if she is walking in a fashion show ! I think the rays of light are very effective.
Erg mooi!
Beautiful and good studio portrait, Tjeerd! Your model, the pose and the light… Great!
I don’t know much about shooting portraits but I love this one :). The model is very beautiful and her pose is excellent. The lighting is also splendid!
Ari Parviainen
O yes, beautiful, I like backlights.
Beautiful portrait of this girl, Tjeerd! Nice lighting here! Well done 🙂
Lori Hildebrandt
This one works very well, the eye contact and catchlights are excellent, the make up and pose also excellent, the texture is small and unassuming so does not encroach on the beauty of the model, first class studio portrait!
Lovely portrait with great expression!
Beautifully done!
Precioso retrato!
Precioso retrato, unos ojos muy bonitos, gran iluminación!
Excellent work!
Lovely portrait work!
Beautiful portrait Tjeerd!! Her eyes are amazing, wow!!
Lovely portrait!
Fantastic lighting and creative work as always, Tjeerd! A lovely prop like this can help to break the fixed ideas for portraits which some photographers might have. And I like cool eye contact as well.
Fantastic portrait!
Astonishing beautifully captured!
Great in every aspect, colors and posing and the whole composition, I like it very much!
Norbert Stojke
Wonderful location work! The composition is magical, the colours are amazing and rich, beautiful model. Result = first class work! Well done, Tjeerd!
Geoffrey West
Great use of backlit as always, Tjeerd! It makes her silky hair more beautiful. It goes without saying I love her eyes with catchlights at two o’clock.
Lovely 🙂
Beautiful portrait!
Very beautiful portrait, Tjeerd!
Beautiful pose and lighting, great eye contact.
A lovely harmonious face, great lighting, a nearly direct glance, together with a great composition and frame… What else can I say? Oh yes; Gorgeous result 🙂
Wonderful light and a great frame. Beautiful work!
Prachtig en erg mooi belicht…! Een plaatje…
Really terrific portrait, Tjeerd. Well done to you both!
Wonderful photograph!
Lovely portrait with great expression!
Beautiful lighting and portrait!
Lisanne is a ravishing beauty! I like her blue eyes, charming lips, beautiful long hair! It goes without saying the light from the left is nice! Great work, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait work!
She is gorgeous and your capture of her is stunning! Beautiful work, Tjeerd!
Really nice lighting and skin tones. Love the way the eyes stare at you! Another great portrait; again the eyes do it for me!
So beautiful captured 🙂 Perfectly harmonious!
Beautiful portrait, great composed!
Again: great image – seriously well done.
Lovely portrait, mate!
Truly awesome photograph, Studio!
Cool portrait 🙂
Wonderful pose and lighting …a superb and lovely captured, Tjeerd!
Might I give you my heartfelt congratulations on your galaxy of stars and not before time. High quality portraits deserve gold stars.
Mijn complimenten! Wat een prachtige foto’s!
You are a bloody good photographer!
Beautiful eyes!!!
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd!
Merel has beautiful blue eyes and hair, cool lighting as well!
Here she is again, your experienced and very fine model! A great capture, with a pleasant eye contact!
Great portrait!
Fraaie dynamische plaat, Tjeerd! “Keep up the good work!”
Soo beatiful portrait, love the light and mood, Tjeerd, ….another your wonderful work…!
Beautiful portrait, great light!
Beautiful portrait!
Love the lighting on this, Tjeerd!
Very beautiful work. Congratulations.
Beautiful portrait, Well done!
I hope the Google translator to convey my words to you right? I’m excited right from your work, each photo is simply a masterpiece.
Yours sincerely, Klaus-Dieter.
Superb well job+
A lovely model with beautiful eyes which you have captured so perfectly, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait with great expression!
A fantastic fine portrait! The colours, look and pose together with the net veil, and how it is arranged, makes this so beautiful!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
A beautiful portrait! You do such an amazing job with the eyes, Tjeerd!
Delores Poll
Verenigde Staten
Excellent portrait sure. I like how you have applied the Golden Ratio.
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
Wow! What a gorgeous portrait Tjeerd. Her eyes look almost a bit sad. I think that this radiation is one of the elements that makes this capture so special 😉
What a beautiful model and portrait!
Beautiful portrait.
Great image -Tjeerd. The eyes make the image! Well done.
A superb portrait capture Tjeerd .. wonderful clarity and details.
Beautiful shot. Love her look. Love also the negative space on the left. Very commercial shot.
Great portrait! Expressive!
Beautiful golden catchlights and great use of light from the left! I like her sharp eyes and delicate skin colors.
Lovely model and lighting!
You handled the light masterfully, Tjeerd! I like her beautiful eyes with catchlights very much. The contrast between her hair and backdrop is delicate and fascinating!!
Yokai Catchlight
Knappe foto, rust met het zachte licht. Vraag mij af hoe ze het doet op een schilderij van 130 x 130?
Ted Loeff
Great portrait! Beautiful facial expression and pose. Nice light.
Lovely. The backlight adds to the feel of the runway. Not sure about the angled horizon, though. But there’s a nice motion in this image. Nice!
Nice capture!
It shows Selia in a very reflective pose and the contrast of the dark background against her light top helps to make her stand out and almost leap off the page. Well done.
Doug Ross
A sensitive, harmonious and lingering image. Selia has a very beautiful appearance and the image takes the viewer to pause and consider. Really beautiful work!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
This is an image that I have to look at for quite a while. I find myself studying and investigating it. And that’s a very good sign! This capture speaks to me. It is interesting, exciting and personal… The conclusion is easy: this is really a gorgeous capture, Tjeerd!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Love the colours Pien is wearing and makes a really strong image! I honestly think the two colours bring a great sense of energy to the picture. I think a more neutral choice of colours, would have totally changed the tone and feel of image.
Doug Ross
A wonderful image perfectly taken as all the others in your portfolio. A pleasure to view!
David Basson
Perfectly taken images in your portfolio. A pleasure to view!
Lovely gaze and expression. Nicely done.
Extremely elaborate work, Tjeerd! Skillful lighting, contrast against the background, delicate Pien’s facial expression and hands expression… everything is super!
Yokai Catchlight
At first sight, I said to my self, “Wow.” She has charms which I find simply irresistible. Your lighting and backdrop enhance her charm. And I like the contrast between red lips and blue boa. Really great work, Tjeerd!!
Yokai Catchlight
Top quality portrait, Tjeerd! Beautiful result of multiple lighting, nice contrast between Selia and the black backdrop, cute facial expression as well.
Yokai Catchlight
Lovely portrait Tjeerd, I especially like the rim light around and through your subjects hair.
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
One of your best, the wonderful red tones in perfect harmony with the skintones and the dark background and the deep thought expression of the beauty girl!
Norbert Stojke
Nice idea; well captured.
Lijkt wel een fragment uit een toneelstuk!
Dit is mooi in al zijn bescheidenheid. Prima spel met schaduw en licht.
Lovely photography. A gorgeous lady and a wonderful background… Your work is spectacular and awesome…Bravo
Barb Kennedy
Verenigde Staten
Your work is spectacular and awesome! Bravo!
Such a wonderful portrait, Tjeerd! Beautiful model, very nice light and expression, also love her eyes. Great work as always!
Wahyu Ono
Absolutely beautiful work, that you have put into this picture. Lovely adequately balanced, the color scheme is very nice, and the lighting work is top notch. Piens gaze captures the viewer on a very strong and vibrant way. It’s almost like having personal contact.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
I wish you great joy in continuing photographing in the nearby future and sharing your valuable skills with us as a photographer ;))
I should have commented on this one earlier. Of your shots this is my favourite, sure she’s on a slant and everything, but it works for me and that’s the main thing, the colours works together well, the pose works, and the processing is good, as always.
This portrait is wonderful! You have so much DOF in focus! Technically first class. The composition is detailed, interesting and superbly executed. The red flower and lipsick go so well with the black fascinator. I am really impressed! Well done!
Nice photo!
Wonderful work, Tjeerd ! I like the glossy lips and rose. And I like the light from various sources too. I think Claartje did a great job as a MUA.
Great capture, excellent depth of field and composition.
Excellent image!
Prachtig Tjeerd en zo scherp ook! Nice candid shot!
Gorgeous portrait! beautiful lighting!
Beautiful vivid colors, lighting and head gear to convey strong emotions.
Tres beau portrait classique!
I like your taste in the background, Tjeerd. This portrait looks more gorgeous than your previous work though I can’t tell which is better. I think similar colors (of her hair and the background) match nicely.
Yokai Catchlight
Let me save some time and just say I love all your work. Your work is inspiring me to get more into portrait.
Another your wonderful work, Tjeerd! Great portrait with nice light and mood here!
Wahyu Ono
A fantastic capture! Love her pose and the setting! Super work, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd. Great composition and props. Seems to work well with the subjects expression. Good job!
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
So beautiful work,Tjeerd! Healthy long hair, attractive lips, classy pearl necklace!! Seriously one of the most gorgeous pictures I’ve ever seen of her. It goes without saying your lighting is professional!
Yokai Catchlight
This is a wonderful portrait. Superb composition with the berries, the flower and the foliage. A scene which is pleasing to the eye. Very impressive!
Lovely portrait, great composition and expression!
Your gallery is a pleasure to look at!
Breathtaking picture!
Great work as always, Tjeerd! Interesting background, nice composition, captivating purple flower as a prop! And I especially like Pien’s sharp eye contact.
Oh my this is so lovely! Wonderful setting and a beautiful pose! Superb work Tjeerd!
Lovely and fresh portrait work Tjeerd. Cool that you intentionally rotated this image out of level. It gives quite new and interesting proportions. Pien also looks very feminin and has a lovely pose. Thumbs up for this one!
Excellent portrait mate!! One of your best ones!
Wonderful shot S.T. Pien is as lovely as ever and your images are sharp and fresh. Well done!
Excellent portrait, again!
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait. Your gallery is a pleasure to look at!
Great change of pace, Tjeerd! I like this bold composition very much!
A perfect model she is. Love her expression and pose!
Mooi model maar ook een meer dan geslaagde bewerking, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait work!
Great pose!
An excellent portrait!
Wow!! Was really my first thought, Tjeerd… A superfine capture!
Wonderful shot. Razor sharp and Terra as charming as ever! Well done S.T.
Gorgeous portrait, Tjeerd!
This is such a superb capture, Tjeerd. She is lovely and your photo is excellent!
Beautiful portrait! Well done!
Wow, very interesting and creative work, Tjeerd! I stared carefully at something black around her face. I like her cool gaze at your camera too.
So elegant and such a lovely pose, Tjeerd. You have captured her perfectly and with such superb lighting! Excellent photography!
Hanna Schermer
Potentially your best portrait yet: seriously well done!
Prachtig licht gebruikt, zo met die zwarte achtergrond, heel mooi!
Ton Le Jeune
A beauty lady and a beautiful photo with grand lighting and pose. Sweet face and look.
Lovely natural photo!
Fantastic portrait!
Wonderful shot S.T.! Are these two sisters or twins? They look so much alike! Superb portraiture!
Wonderful portrait, great composition, look and expression!
Klaus Heinemann
Beautiful portrait!
A lovely, strong and personal portrait capture of these two very similar sisters. Together they complete this picture in a great way. Also a very nice idea to let them wear ribbons in their hair that are similar, while they at the same time still are different. It reinforces the same, in terms of the sisters. Both are similar and yet different. One of the things I like best about this capture, is how the eyes and eyebrows are creating an invisible, but still beautiful and harmonious line. This really enhances the impression!
Nice image and pose, Tjeerd. My first thought was sisters – because Roos has a slightly longer face (but I’m guessing twins) because of the closeness to each other. Nice idea and well taken!
This is really one of your high class portrait shoots, Tjeerd! The use of light, the color gradients, Merels facial expression, and complete in harmony with your studio’s motto: “Shine for me & I’ll shine for you”.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Wat een mooi dubbel-portret! Super werk!
Ein wunderschönes Portrait, da möchte man noch einmal 20-zig sein .-)
Weer veel prachtige portretten van je gezien, Tjeerd! Complimenten voor de constante hoge kwaliteit, daarvan!
Mooie belichting!
Beautiful capture!!
Your portraits are exceptionally good!
Wow! Love all your portraits! Great work!
Oh, this is such a lovely pose and such an excellent capture, Tjeerd! Excellent work!
Hanna Schermer
A most delightful action shot Tjeerd. Wind blowing in the hair and they are so enjoying themselves! It’s great!
Fabulous shot! I love the energy!
Mooi, Tjeerd! Is dit in de Zuigerplas?
Impressive! Beautiful colours, razor sharp image, eye contact is spot on, great lighting! Claartje is very charming. Result: one of your best S.T.!
Geoffrey West
This image is proof that you do such great work. I really think I should come learn from you and shoot together!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
Beautiful portrait! Great b/w!
A great work!
Prachtig, Tjeerd! In zwart/wit zie je beter hoe mooi het licht in deze foto is! Schitterend!!!
Gorgeous! Excellent work! 🙂
Excellent portrait! Beautiful b&w image..!))
Beautiful! Just one word!
Stunning portrait!
A wonderful setting and lovely nuance in colors. Her Sari is an eye-catcher and so is she! A delightful and lovely capture!
Hanna Schermer
This is stunning. The colours are rich and detail is razor sharp. Pien is looking great. Well done S.T.! Impressive!
Nice vignetting Tjeerd and stunning portrait, your work is getting better and better!
A superb and most beautiful portrait capture of Pien! Marvellous work!
Your portraits are just always a pleasure for the eyes, I’m happy to have found you here!
Wow! Such marvelous clarity and such a superb capture of Selia! Excellent work, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
Tjeerd, I have to say: this is honestly a splendid portrait. There are a lot of small exquisite details that makes this a high quality capture. Well done!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Always love your work with light and details, Tjeerd! In this, you make a wonderful diagonal compose!
Wahyu Ono
This is really impressive! Pien looks so natural! Was this done with natural light? A first class presentation! Well done S.T.!
Geoffrey West
Pure joy in their faces. I like this.
Classy portrait as always, Tjeerd! I especially like the contrast between Pien’s lips and backdrop. Green blouse, green eyes, green backdrop and green necklace are beautifully synchronized.
Yokai Catchlight
What an intense look!
I enjoyed her expressive hands, serious eyes and skillful lighting here. Excellent portrait as always, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait!
Wow! Wonderful portrait! I Her eyes are really the eyecatcher!
Very nice, you’re very good with this style.
Beautiful portrait!
Such a lovely capture of Pien! Your photo’s are so perfect, Tjeerd!
Excellent work! Beautiful clean portrait. Superb detail. Well done!
Always enjoy your wonderful work, Tjeerd! Very beautiful portrait, well lighting and sharpness!
This is a stunner! Tell Pien she has a wonderful smile! We must see more of it! This is a great natural portrait. I like the precise focus. Superb, well done, S.T. and Pien, you have both done an impressive job!
Geoffrey West
Nice pose and gaze!
Fantastic portrait!
Excellent portrait with beautiful backdrop! I like its gradation very much and it makes her stand out.
A beautiful capture and pose! Excellent photography, Tjeerd.
Pien looking serious, but what a great capture and wonderful styling! The red rose and her lipstick really stand out! Superb again, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
Great portrait and pose!
Excellent photo!
Een prachtig natuurlijk portret!
Love her charming smile!
Wonderful smile!
Nicely recorded, Tjeerd! Selia’s pose draws you in and makes you wonder what has diverted her attention.
Gorgeous portrait work, Tjeerd! Piens has a strong connection with you in this capture! Lovely lighting!
Andy Dyso
Brilliant and wonderful portrait work! Great light, colors, presentation and mood!
Michaela Sibi
Een mooi, dromerig beeld van grote klasse! Dat heb je echt heel mooi gedaan!
Klaus-Dieter Hornig
Pien has it all 😉 A gorgeous smile, the right shining energy and a very fine pose. Beautiful work!
Not often do I see a broad range of very good work but you are one of them! Keep it up and the the rest of us trying to catch up!
Pien is a lovely model who has a very expressive face. I love both her smile and serious look like this. Lighting in this picture is perfect as always!
Yokai Catchlight
Very beautiful portrait. Her bright smile is really lovely!
Marvelous and amazing portrait!!! Great light, presentation and mood!!!!
Michaela Sibi
Fantastic lighting, nice pose, lovely smile! Truly nice work!
Nice pose and model!
Perfect composition and lighting… good job!
Fantastic portrait!
Magnificent picture!
This is captured beautifully – I love the richness of the colours and the softness of it…
Jacqueline Lancelotte
A very sweet expression and lovely presentation.
Beautiful portrait & post processing, Tjeerd!
Gorgeous and amazing portrait work!!!! Great processing and mood!!!!
Beautiful work, Tjeerd!
Gorgeous vintage portrait!!! Great pose, idea, colors, presentation and mood!!!!
I like the retro look.
Lux excelente!
Excellent portrait, Tjeerd!
A lovely portrait, with beautiful tones. My parents used to own a phone like that 🙂
An excellent pose and model, Tjeerd!
Excellent work S.T.! Beautifully presented and that charming warm smile of Claartje really makes the shot! Well done!
Yes, Tjeerd, excellent work!
Marvelous and amazing work!!! Great light, colors, presentation and mood!!!
Beautiful portrait!
Lovely face!
Magnífica expresión. Buen trabajo.
Charming portrait, Tjeerd!
I really love that light indeed. A beautifully fresh expression.
Nice portrait!
Love Claartje’s beautiful face and professional lighting! Old-fashioned receiver looks cool!
Marvelous and poetic portrait!!! Great light, frame, colors, presentation and mood!!!
Un encuadre muy expresivo. Buena luz y buen color.
Stunning capture!
J’adore avec une fleur que j’adore, bravo!
Lovely double portrait 🙂
This one is really great! A touch of nostalgic, wonderful skintones with a smooth colorization: great photowork!
Norbert Stojke
Beautiful soft lighting and portrait!
Beautiful portrait!
The days best surprise, to see some of your lovely work and model again, Tjeerd!!
I’m with Sven; seeing this image has seriously cheered up my evening Tjeerd! Well done to both of you!
Beautiful portrait of Claartje, Tjeerd! Time has passed, but she has remained as beautiful as before. In addition, she seems to have confidence as a model. I enjoyed your latest work very much.
Beautiful portrait!
Heel mooi portret, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait of Claartje, Tjeerd!
Mooi werk, Tjeerd!
Cool image 😉
Beautiful quality portrait!
Your best, in my humble opinion.
Beautiful job on the eyes.
Very elegant photo!
Beautiful model! Love your photography! Super skin tones and wonderful background and lighting! Bravo! Excellent!!
Very beautiful!
Lovely retro feel to this Tjeerd. Love the contrast between jacket and the make up/ lighting. Well done to both of you!
Splendid portrait, wonderful work!
Very nice portrait!
So sweet and thoughtful, Tjeerd!! Love this one! It’s very expressive in a human and kind way.
Excellent image S.T.! I love the clarity on this one. The colour and composition lead to a faultless presentation. Well done!
Beautiful portrait work! Wonderful composition and lighting!
Fantastic close-up, Tjeerd! Your lighting makes her skin color delicate and makes her hair glossy. Truly nice work!
Beautiful portrait!
Beautiful portrait. Nice composition & mood!
Beautiful model and great capture!
The frame couldn’t be better and the composition is excellent!
Exquisiteness and beauty.
Awesome! Good work!
Your wonderful work, much inspiring me!
Outstanding and beautiful!
So beautiful portrait. Very nice mood, wonderful work, Tjeerd!
Sensational portrait. Congratulations.
Beautiful portrait of this young lady.
Great eyes and pose, Tjeerd! They are striking!
Heel mooi, Tjeerd! Prachtige belichting!!
Beautiful work S.T.! The detail and colours are superb! A faultless presentation!
Mooie belichting, Tjeerd!
Wow!! Fantastic capture! I’m impressed 😉
I think one of Claartje’s trademarks are her personal and “wide” open eyes. They are so expressive and captivating. A very beautiful capture!
Exceptional. Congratulations.
Nicely recorded Tjeerd; well done to both of you. Excellent retro feel portrait.
Superb Tjeerd: simply superb!
I agree with Doug. Truly nice skin colors and clarity, perfect lighting as well!
Tulips and catchlight make her more gorgeous and beautiful. Fantastic balance between bright part and dark part as always!
Beautiful portrait!
Great eyes and pose, Tjeerd! The definition is excellent!
Tjeerd, this is an excellent choice for b&w!
Excellent work, Tjeerd! Very nice in monochrome, but the red lipstick in the colored version was awesome! Well done!
Personally I like the color version you posted before (because her lips are captivating) but this image has relaxing and poetic atmosphere. Both are really nice!
Beautiful, Tjeerd! Very personal and love the close up of the model!
Superb work! Wonderful!
Beautiful portrait. Fabulous tone and style.
Very nice that you also posted this beautiful capture in b&w! I really appreciate your great work!
A very touching and moving piece of time captured here. This portrait was superbly handled. I am in awe.
MY OH MY!! The details are stunning. And I got a *thing* for facinators… They are just so incredible FASCINATING!! lol! Real nice work ST!
A fantastic shot and I love the composition, Tjeerd!
Outstanding, Tjeerd!
Truly professional work, Tjeerd! Claartje knows how to show herself as a model, and you know how to show her beautifully as a portrait photographer. Thanks for sharing this artistic work!
Very beautiful portrait. Congratulations.
Love the hat and her expression, they definitely go together in this portrait.
Great light, shot and edition! Beautiful model also! Congrats!!!
Tjeerd, that is a very creative portrait! Well done!
Another of your wonderful work, Tjeerd! Great portrait!
Excellent work S.T. Wonderful colours and detail!
Great arrangement , wonderful colors and skintones. Stunning portrait of a beautiful young lady!
Beautiful work! Love it 🙂
You really work well with this model, Tjeerd!
Fantastic lighting as always, Tjeerd! I like your framing from the top of her head to elbow, her pose (showing her one side of the body with her left shoulder dropped) and nice color tones.
Super mooi!
She is such a lovely young lady and you work so well with her, Tjeerd!
Excellent B&W. Congratulations.
Nice B&W portrait, Tjeerd.
Well, I have to say: I really love this one! As the colored version, it has (in my opinion) a stunning completeness. A lot of technical details are perfectly in place, and makes this a beautiful piece of photographic work! Congrats!
Perfecte belichting Tjeerd Mooi ook in zwart wit!
Truly refined work, Tjeerd! She looks more elegant and graceful!
Totally love the transition to B&W. Well done to both of you, Tjeerd. Great to see you back and in such great form.
Two sugars, please! Excellent B&W! Wonderful detail and composition! Well done S.T.!
This capture really makes me smile 😉 It’s playful, funny and beautifully presented. Both thumbs up!!
Wonderful portrait!
Awesome work. Like the frame very much. B&w is also a perfect choice and the light is great.
Prachtig, Tjeerd!
Natural smile, fantastic facial expression, and a nice pose (just like a selfie)! Perfect lighting as always!
Another superb shot of Claartje! A lovely pose and wonderful lighting, Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait in monochrome, very nice pose, light and well done, as always, Tjeerd!
Although I like the green eyes on the colored version I think I prefer this b/w (with a hint of blue) image. Maybe because when in colors I find myself jumping between the lips (being red call my attention a lot) and her eyes, but in this version I get locked (and lost) in her eye.
I looked at this portrait and instantly Bjork music “Oh it’s all so quiet” started playing in my head! It’s really awesome when images speak to you at a sensorial level and this one really did. Good job, Tjeerd!
Wow! An outstanding and excellent capture with such fantastic light and just love the model’s expression!
Just love your style, Tjeerd. The models are fascinating and your captures are so captivating!
Wow!!! Great stylist, mood and light! And perfect B&W tones!
Beautiful image, Studio!
Black and white – colour. I’m torn between the two versions of this shot. The skin tones on this shot are superb- ditto the lighting. Well done to both of you.
That is an excellent pose and the eyes are fantastic, Tjeerd!
I love the expression and particularly the catch lights. Well done!
Excellent portrait as always, Tjeerd! Claartje’s pose and facial expression are fantastic. And I love your butterfly lighting.
Perfecte belichting, Tjeerd!
Claartje looks surprised. What a great shot of her! She is such a wonderful model, Tjeerd!
Good portrait, mate!
Superb, Tjeerd: simply superb! Well done to both of you.
Nice shot Tjeerd, it’s really well lighted. There’s only one small detail that bugs me a bit. It feels strange (at least to me) not to see any part of the model’s hands. If she would have her hands in the pockets but with the thumbs out (or just having the thumbs in the pocket) I think it would look even better!
Tjeerd: I’m with Paulo – I love the approach to the shot; it’s different from your usual style – but a finger or a hand would have just made the image complete. Having said that I love the lighting and the general look /pose of Claartje.
Mooi werk, Tjeerd!
Captivating and beautiful portrait!
Wonderful casual portrait! Excellent work S.T.!
Love your professional lighting, Tjeerd! I also like Claartje’s sharp eyes, casual jeans and gorgeous coat.
Excellent light, mate!
A very impressive image! Also a lovely composition and very good light work!
So gorgeous portrait, Tjeerd! Claartje’s eyes are more beautiful than jewelry. Love her catchlight.
Whether in color or black and white: Claartje is lovely and your capture of her is wonderful, Tjeerd !
Very beautiful portrait! Congratulations!
Wonderful photograph S.T.! Amazing detail. I love the natural smile. Superb lighting. Very impressive work!
From the photos you’ve posted from this shoot this is my favourite! 🙂 I like the lighting a lot and it works really great with the soft tones. The model is also very natural and the result of combining everything together is a great image! Good job!
I can’t stop smiling. Really. It’s so beautiful! It’s almost absurdly that this was a part of the light testing, before the session actually started. You must have done something extraordinary right. Maybe I’m wrong, but I have a guess: she looks so totaly off the record and informal. Pure herself!
Beautiful portrait! Wonderful lighting & mood!
Tjeerd, the upward gaze is really cool!
Fantasic work! Love the light and the way she looks. Beautiful model anyway. Masterpiece!
Beautiful portrait!
So beautiful, very nice portrait! Wonderful details, lighting and background!
I just love the way you work with your lighting, Tjeerd and Claartje is such a delightful model: a perfect model I would say. A great pose and another excellent capture!
This Lady has WONDROUS eyes! I’m pretty certain that your work will serve her well! Lighting is delicious!
Adorable portrait! Congratulation!
I’m with Aylin; adorable draws you in and makes you wonder what Claartje is looking at.
Mooi, Tjeerd! Love the composition and the use of light on her face!
Excellently lit!
Great realism!
Fantastic work, Tjeerd! Really nice lighting!! Love Claartje’s natural expression.
What a great pose and setting! Serene and beautifully captured, Tjeerd! Perfect work!
The light purple outerwear makes a good match with the backdrop, Tjeerd! I enjoyed Claartje’s hand pose, facial expression and lighting very much.
I love the touch of the flower and the models position, great use of light and background!
Lovely capture! I like the colors, the skin tone, and the touch!
Beautiful portrait, I like the color!!!!!!
An excellent pose! Well done!
Admirable and beautiful work.
Nice pose and composition, Tjeerd!
Beautiful work! Wonderful soft colours!
Beautiful lighting and detail. Amazing work S.T.! It just gets better! This is faultless!
This can be the best shot of this model you have, but i would take away the scar in the forehead mate. But if one want that raw feeling it’s cool.
Exquisite work. Congratulations.
Very nice pose and lighting, great mood! Well done, Tjeerd!
Lovely delicate image Tjeerd; love the look of concentration. great colour and light balance.
This close-up is fabulous, Tjeerd! Wonderful lighting again and a great crop! Super super!
Beautiful color tones!
Nice work!
An excellent pose and, of course, model, Tjeerd!
Beautiful photograph S.T.! Superb pose. Claartje is so natural! Well done!
Incredibly good picture!
Love the soft tones you have used now, Tjeerd! Gives the photo such a wonderful softness. This sure is my favorite of Claartje.
Tjeerd: I prefer this slightly wider format. It provides much more detail for example the fabric on Claartje’s jumper. Nice image – well done to both of you!
A very cool old style capture, Tjeerd!
Nice capture of Claartje’s vivid performance, Tjeerd! Love her eyes, captivating lips and old-fashioned telephone receiver as a prop. (^^)
Such a delightful capture! She must have received good news, Tjeerd! Another perfect capture of Claartje!
Mooi hoor!
Prachtig werk, Tjeerd!
Nicely recorded; draws you in and makes you wonder what has attracted Claartje’s attention.
The tilted angle works really well Tjeerd! And the motion of the dress is pretty cool, you asked her to drop it, right? You really caught it spot on!
Paulo Abrantes
Exudes innocence. I LIKE IT!
Superb image Tjeerd. Gentle with great light.
Mooi werk weer, Tjeerd!
Sensational and beautiful work. Congratulations!
This capture has a very nice symmetry Tjeerd! Even the thumbs are held identically. I think there also is a very special color tint in this image. It gives me that classic feel, and in my opinion it fits very well to the scene. Overall beautiful work!
I always love this pose, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait! Excellent work!
Excellent work S.T.! Your new model, Rianne, has a very infectious charming smile. Your focus work is excellent. This is an excellent presentation.
Geoffrey West
She has such piercing eyes, Tjeerd!
From this shoot this is my favourite shot until now, mostly because her eyes really lock me in the image, I can’t look away! The lighting as usual is very well done and elevates this already good image to a stunning portrait!
This close-up of Claartje is stunning and ever so lovely, Tjeerd! Amazing the way you have captured her like this!
The artwork is beautiful. I love it. Great job there, mate. Keep it up! 🙂
I think Claartje looks very focused and vital on this image. For me the attention is drawn to her green looking irises, combined with her red lipstick. That’s gorgeous. In my opinion these complementary colors always work so well together. The light in the background and around her also works out so beautifully. I’m only wondering a little about the way she is placed within the frame. For me it seems like there are no main focus points snapped to the golden ratio. This is absolutely not meant as any complain, Tjeerd! I’m only wondering a little about this. Regardless, I experience this as a very beautiful capture!
Beautiful work.
Gorgeous looking and a beautiful smile on her lips (and in her eyes)… High class work!
Beautiful smile! Great portrait! Well done!
Oh this is such a delightful and lovely capture of Claartje. Love her pose and her wonderful smile, Tjeerd. Another excellent capture.
Wonderful portrait, great lighting, pose and very well compose, Tjeerd!
An excellent pose, and lighting from your favorite model, Tjeerd!
Prachtig, Tjeerd!
Weer een Tjeerd waardige opname, prachtig en wat zit het kant zorgvuldig! Complimenten.
This is a masterpiece, just perfect! Lighting, pose, model, processing, everything is wonderful!
A beautiful capture! She really shines, and that’s so lovely 😉
Exceptional portrait. Congratulations.
An excellent pose and frame, Tjeerd!
Wonderful lighting, beautiful catchlight, captivating red lips, fantastic details as always!
I love this moment of your model. You have it perfectly captured in the photo.
Mooie blik gevangen, Tjeerd!
All of your work ROCKS 🙂
Absolute brilliant portrait pictures I have ever seen!
You have a wonderful gallery, great skill.
The colors and model are exceptional, Tjeerd!
This is such a cute pose. The angle is great for this headshot as well. Awesome job!
The styling is very nice! Beauty of a portrait, well done, ST :<)
Super portrait!
She is a sunshine :)))) Great team, Tjeerd!
A very beautiful portrait of Claartje, that really shows off your capabilities as a great photographer, Tjeerd. I love (what I experience as) her inner smile, that shines so brightly through. Something that (in my opinion) makes this picture so fascinating, is the feeling that her smile somehow also is slightly held back, but the experience of her smile (when you directly look at it) is quite another. Then it feels like a glorious, open and bright smile that embraces the world. This (in my opinion) invisible dynamic is so gorgeous!! Congrats with the result!
Hard to add anything that Sven hasn’t already said. Except to say that on an a wet, dark evening, viewing this image lifted my spirits in no small way!
Wonderful! Full of joy she is posing for the camera and so pefectly captured again, Tjeerd, super!!!
This is a wonderful shot! Claartje’s smile is so natural, the colours and your fine detail are superb. Very impressive!
Supreme portrait as always, Tjeerd! Lighting, colors, contrast, Ckaartje’s facial expression, her pose, backdrop…Thanks for sharing your masterpiece.
Great work!! Amazing portrait!!! Congrats!
Beautiful portrait work!
Very good portrait image of this pretty and happy looking woman 🙂 I like the dress and her cute smile, ST 🙂
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd. Well done!
So different now with this lovely soft sepia toning, Tjeerd. Difficult to choose between this one and the previous one… I like them both!
Peace out!
Excellent work S.T. A stunning shot. B&W or colour… well, since Kodak invented the colour spectrum and gave it to us, we may as well use it.
Love THIS version sepia. Well done.
Fascinating image! She looks more fashionable in sepia color.
I love the look in her face!
The look is indeed beautiful and the frame is great, also the light.
Fantastic image with delicate warm tones, Tjeerd! Her face with closed eyes is very charming as well.
Love the mood and pose, Tjeerd!
Prachtig werk!
Again: very beautiful portrait work, Tjeerd! Love that glance at the light from above. Also a very good idea, to take this capture direct from the side.
Wonderful light and portrait.
An excellent profile, Tjeerd!
Beautiful profile shot! Love the lighting and Rianne’s facial expression.
Tjeerd, you are very good at creating a special and good eye contact between the model and the viewer. I very well notice the same effect in this picture. That’s adding true quality to the result!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Ein mega schönes Bild von Dir 🙂
Superb detail! Excellent lighting. A really nice relaxed look. Well done!
Excellent work S.T. The colours on this one are outstanding. Really beautiful!
Superb work, Tjeerd! Super lighting and detail. A CREDIT TO YOU BOTH.
An outstanding profile capture, Tjeerd.
The composition and pose is beautiful, Tjeerd. Such a lovely capture!
This is such a lovely photo of Rianne. A wonderful summer setting, Tjeerd!
Very nice outdoors capture, Tjeerd. The impression is harmonious and appealing. Great result!
Excellent work S.T. Wonderful colours and fine detail. An excellent relaxed mood. Well done.
Very, very beautiful portrait. Love it!
She has such big eyes, Tjeerd! Nice shot with the old phone!
Very, very beautiful portrait. Love it!
A cute pose with the old phone! Very nostalgic!
Beautiful smile, interesting prop, fantastic facial expression! I like the sharp catchlight in her eyes.
Nice composition and colors, Tjeerd! I like her expression and something blurred in the foreground.
Marvelous profile, Tjeerd!
Great work!
Stunning colours and fine detail. Beautiful work S.T. Well done!
I like the side profile!
Nice portrait!
Another beautiful portrait of Claartje with a tulip! Love the colors, lighting as always!
Very good portrait shot of this pretty woman 🙂 I like her expression and the use of light!
Beautiful portrait and so emotional moment. Excellent work as always, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait as always! Lovely tone!
Fantastic portrait!
A marvellous pose with this old telephone, Tjeerd! So perfect in each detail and she has such beautiful eyes! Wonderful capture as always.
Claartje is a fantastic model, Tjeerd! So many different poses and each with a special expression. Beautiful work.
Another great model, Tjeerd!
Thanks for another great portrait. It’s fresh, vital and personal.
Nice soft lighting and tones.
You’re a great master of portraits!
This is great, Tjeerd! Love the movement and perfect lighting which you have captured so perfectly! Fabulous!!!!
Hanna Schermer
Very beautiful portrait in great light. I like her pose with the flower.
Ari Parviainen
Wonderful work with the touch of the past with the quality of today. Congrats to you both 🙂
Excellent natural portrait! Well done S.T.! I love the setting!
I love portraits in the natural light!
Exceptional portrait. Congratulations.
Nice image, Tjeerd; like this environmental approach to portrait work.
Another well executed classic pose, Tjeerd!
Such a nice location photography, Tjeerd! I especially like her natural expression and background.
Heel mooi werk en weer een prachtig model!
So very nice and tender capture!!
Beautiful portrait!
Superb eye-contact.
Excellent work as always, ST. Congrats!
She is so beautiful. Great capture.
Cool pouty look, Tjeerd!
Great portrait, Tjeerd. Beautiful.
Beautiful headshot!
Such a natural beauty with such a lovely expression and your photo is so lovely, Tjeerd. The models must love your work!
Claartje is special. So many different faces and always so perfectly captured, Tjeerd! Fabulous again!
Lovely light, mate!
Beautiful S-shaped (with one shoulder down) pose, Tjeerd! Lighting and skin tones are really fantastic as always! Perfect portrait, Tjeerd!
Very beautiful portrait! Love it!
Your portraits are all wonderful. Like your gallery very much!
Lovely lighting and pose, Tjeerd; well done to both of you!
Perfekt! Niets op aan te merken. Deze foto pakt mij meteen!
So beautiful, nicely done!
Great light and eye contact, well done!
Very beautiful work! The light is great, and I love the color combinations and tones! 😉
Another great piece of work Tjeerd! At first glance I see a lot of pro qualities. So this could be a long feedback… But I’ll do it simple this time. Congrats with this beautiful portrait! 😉
I love the hat and classic pose, Tjeerd!
Very retro portrait, Tjeerd: well done to both of you!
Tjeerd, that is a fantastic pose and gaze! Well done!
Awww, one of my favorite in the natural light! Charming capture! Great one Tjeerd!
Lovely Rianne wearing a straw hat with a lovely pose and wonderful colors, Tjeerd! She looks natural and relaxed. I especially like her sharp eyes and blurred background.
Very beautiful!
Wow, that is really fantastic! Wonderful composed and expression supported by the black accessoires. Great portrait art!
Awesome work S.T.! Amazing skine tones. Love it.
Wonderful portrait! The model is very beautiful!
A superb portrait, Tjeerd!
Very classy and very sophisticated! Great pose, awesome skin tones, lovely eyes and lighting! Perfect!
Lovely pose and wonderful colors, Tjeerd! I especially like her sharp eyes and blurred background.
L O V E I T !! !!
Bravo, Tjeerd: nailed it. Well done to both of you.
Very beautiful and artistic, always love the lighting and sharpness. Excellent work as always, Tjeerd…!
Beautifully captured, Tjeerd. Such a lovely pose and smile. Wonderful!!!
Exquisite! Love this capture, Tjeerd!
It’s not often that I reward portraits but I find your work exceptional, maybe because your photos are so natural.
Excellent work!
Absolutely superb, Tjeerd. She is so lovely and your photo is fantastic!
Hanna Schermer
Wow, Tjeerd this is a real stunner! Love her pose and her expression and attitude is so cool! A marvellous capture of Ilse!
Hanna Schermer
Great job and especially excellent composition with beautiful bright colors!
Very beautiful!
Great close-up portrait with eyes closed, Tjeerd! Eyes are not always the mirror of the soul. Ilse looks so thoughtful and attractive.
Top, Tjeerd!
Gorgeous close-up, Tjeerd!
Great portrait, Tjeerd! I love the eyes closed capture!
Zeer fraai historisch zw-w model met zw-w ogenreflectie’s, pose en de doorzichtige stoffen hoed.
Willem Huwae
Exceptional work and a fantastic fine portrait! It’s out of the park!
Dean Thiesen
Super comme toujours votre travail! Bravo! J’adore les portrait quelle beauté au plaisir!
Josephine Campi
Mooi als een Japanse Geisha met de neutrale gekleurde ogen make-up, lange haren, wimpers en de “nederig blik”.
Nice use of hands, Tjeerd! Great eyes!
Very nice thoughtful pose. Amazing eye contact. Well done, Tjeerd!
Fantastic portrait!
Beautiful portrait in close-up and skillful light control as always, Tjeerd! Love her skin tone, cool facial expression with pure eyes, so enchanting.
Aww, charming Ilse! You have made a wonderful work, Tjeerd. I think it is a perfect close-up portrait.
Her gaze is amazing. You do such a great job with the hands, Tjeerd!
Nice portrait, mate!
A stunning portrait. The colour rendition and fine detail are outstanding. The lighting adds to the summer pose.
Great portrait with an extra portion of summerfeeling. Really nice one! I like it very much! Pure understanding between girl and photographer.
Great photo, always love the sharpness and lighting, DoF too.
Great work. I like the colors and light. Beautiful, Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait, so beautiful eyes! Very nice work, Tjeerd!
A stunning portrait of Claartje. Pure and love the fine taste of colors. Her outfit with the yellow daffodils… so perfect!
Great portrait, Tjeerd! I love the colors and pose!
Nicely done, Tjeerd! Your best model!
Back with a bang: nice work, Tjeerd! Well done!
Mooi werk, Tjeerd! Goed belicht!
Absolutely stunning portrait, Tjeerd 🙂 I believe it is perfect. Everything is so beautiful – face, pose, expression.
Anna Menshikova
Outstanding detail here and really soft skin tones! Very impressive skills!
Geoffrey West
She has such bright eyes, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait of a beautiful model, Tjeerd! Wonderful smile and so charming!
Wonderful, Tjeerd! She has such a poignant expression which you have captured so perfectly!
Nice work Tjeerd; great lighting and skin tones. Well done to both of you.
Terrific signature pose, Tjeerd! I like her beautiful blue eyes! Excellent lighting as always!
Cool work, Tjeerd!
Haar ogen….schitterend!
Very beautiful portrait, so sharp ang great lighting. Wonderful work, Tjeerd.
Amazing work!
That right eye… And how it looks at the bystander… It’s almost hypnotic! Claartje has lovely bright eyes and in this capture I think everything is arranged for really showing the potential in her glance. Beautiful work and result!
Wonderful work as always. Great light and a beautiful composition!
Björn Jönnson
Oh, this is something magical! Very creative and impressive portrait, Tjeerd!
Anna Menshikova
Just stunning! Amazing eye contact!
Outstanding photography!
I really like her gaze, Tjeerd!
Nice image, interesting makeup!
Beautiful hair movement and nice angle portrait, Tjeerd! The main light source illuminates Ilse’s face, and the light from the right makes this image more attractive.
Gorgeous moment in the movement! Very alive and expressive portrait!!
Great angle and expression, Tjeerd!
She is lovely and another most wonderful capture, Tjeerd! Excellent work as always!
Wonderful image of beautiful Claartje. I really like her pose and expression. The background and processing are also top notch!
Ari Parviainen
Awesome portrait. Her eyes are just amazing!
I think you’re the master of achieving that very direct and personal look in the eyes of your models, Tjeerd. Also this photo testifies this. I perceive that the viewers often may feel they have personal eye contact with the models. In my opinion that’s a really great achievement.
I think you’re the master of achieving that very direct and personal look in the eyes of your models. I perceive that the viewers often may feel they have personal eye contact with the models. In my opinion that’s a really great achievement.
A very mysterious capture, Tjeerd! Well done!
Prachtig werk!
A marvelous close-up of Pien. The lovely mask makes her so intriguing. Another superb capture with wonderful back light, Tjeerd!
Fantastic portrait!
Beautiful shot, light and bokeh!
I’m not usually ‘into’ this genre of masked photography It is however an exceptional image and for me the eyes make the image very special.
Cool rays of sunlight and beautiful out of focus background, Tjeerd! I like the mask.
Always love the way you manage the light, Tjeerd. Nice DoF and bokeh.
Oh, so interesting portrait, Tjeerd! The light and the bokeh are absolutely stunning! Love her expression as well!
Great portrait!
Superb portraiture! Wonderful colours. Your focus is outstanding, Tjeerd. I must come over one day and you can show me your secrets. A very nice pose by Claartje. Almost a smile. Must mention: I love the backlighting on the hair… excellent!
A stunning and another superb capture of Claartje! So perfect: it can’t get better!
Lovely portrait and lighting!
Wonderful portrait!
Claartje is a photogenic model. I feel her self-confidence in this facial expression. I like the backlit and contrast very much.
Simple, yet one the best portraits of her, Tjeerd! Her eyes are just amazing!
Really great portrait, full of mystery and her gaze is really engaging. Makes me want to know the story behind this photo 🙂 The bokeh is really great!
Very nice portrait!
Excellent portrait!
Exquisite image, Tjeerd. Well done to both of you!
Another wonderful portrait of your beautiful model 🙂 Gorgeous colors and contrast!
Stunning shot S.T.! To me this is faultless. It is always so difficult to capture movement and catch the one spot you want in focus. I love the bokeh. Excellent photography! A real pleasure to comment on!
Geoffrey West
Gorgeous portrait, beautiful eyes! Wonderful light and sharpness, Tjeerd!
Een prachtig portret!
Nice photo!
Another beautiful portrait!
Truly a beautiful portrait piece! All the main factors are just in place + this undefined X factor… It’s also included in the scene… Congrats to both of you! 🙂
Beautiful skin tones and lighting, Tjeerd. The eyes make the picture. Well done both of you.
The eyes really grab you and her lips seem she might be about to say something! The post-processing is also beautifuly done with great tones and the softness of her skin looks really well done, it’s smooth but still looks like as skin and not porcelain! Summing up a great portrait, as always, Tjeerd!
Claartje is a classic beauty with pure eyes! Perfect lighting and composition as usual!
So charming girl with beautiful green eyes 🙂 Love the natural light!
Perfect portrait Tjeerd 🙂 I love the soft tones of the capture. Claartje looks flawless!
Nice studio work, Tjeerd!
One of my favorite poses with the hair, Tjeerd!
She’s so lovely, Tjeerd!
Really good project!
Young and innocent. A superb capture of Pien. She is such a lovely model. Delightful and marvelous work again, Tjeerd!
An most beautiful close-up shot of Claartje, Tjeerd! Absolutely stunning work!
Beautiful! A gorgeous capture, Tjeerd!
Mooi, Tjeerd!
Great shot! I like it!
So beautiful!
Really cool composition, Tjeerd, and the sharpness on the model’s eye it’s amazing! I think the black and white really suits this kind of portrait as well, really good choice!
Paulo Abrantes
Nice work, Tjeerd! The eyes draw you in!
Excellent eye contact! Superb focus and detail as always. Beautiful portraiture!
Great processing and clarity, Tjeerd! Nice eyes!
Lovely work. Ilse has a very symmetrical face. The only thing that is different from one side to the other, are her eyes. This makes me wonder what she is thinking about. I think it gives a great quality to the image 🙂
Terrific back-lighting and butterfly-lighting photography, Tjeerd! I like the big catchlights and her beautiful hair as well.
Excellent portrait, Tjeerd. Composition wise, I think the pose is very natural and Claartje is holding the bag nicely. If this shot was to show off the garment then it really looks great. I dissagree with the earlier comment because I think the skin tones and lighting are excellent. In my opinion, this is impressive photography.
Geoffrey West
Excellent photograph, Tjeerd. Wonderful detail as always. Great pose by Ilse and well done Lesley. Superb.
Expressive and beautiful work. Congratulations.
I’m with Geoffrey on this. Love the ‘look’ lighting and pose. Superb work, simply superb!
Ilse has this amazing symmetrical face. And you Tjeerd, have this great ability to ad just the right lighting and obtain that right expression. The result is really beautiful!
Great shot!
Ethereal, elegant, emotional, excellent, exceptional portrait, I like it very much!!!
Conga Batalex
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd. Amazing detail. What is your favourite aperture to get this amazing depth of field? Well done!
Another great portrait, Tjeerd!
Natural smile, lifelike pose! Lovely work, Tjeerd!
Rianne is so charming! Very beautiful portrait, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait with great expression!
This is great, Tjeerd. The full frame give it something very special. With the splendid background tones perfectly matching the colours of her pretty dress. A lovely capture of our Claartje. It seems as if I am getting to know her!
Excellent, Tjeerd!
Excellent! Congratulations!
Claartje looks so charming in red. Dark background and your lighting (especially back lighting) make her more attractive. I like the composition very much.
I love the model off-center, Tjeerd!
Simply the best Tjeerd; you both hit the mark with this portrait. Seriously well done.
This is stunning! Wonderful fine detail and amazing colours.
In this capture Pien looks so innocent and pure. Reminds me a bit of Mona Lisa’s look at the great painter Leonardo da Vinci. And that’s not bad! 🙂 All over, really beautiful portrait work!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Top quality. This is outstanding. Excellent lighting and amazing fine detail. Wonderful pose and eye contact from Claartje. The skin tones and colour saturation are excellent. Very impressive, Tjeerd!
Oh heerlijke sfeer dit!!!! Very, very Nice!!!
Excellent and beautiful work. Congratulations.
A great classic pose from your lovely model, Tjeerd!
Wonderful work as always. The light is wonderful!
Heel intiem, Tjeerd! Mooi!
Tremendous image! Love the lighting, pose and expression. I like the subtle diffused colour shades in the background.
Beautiful gaze, Tjeerd! Fascinating light as always!
Fantastic portrait.
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd! I really like the way the light falls on Claartje and her expression is lovely it locks us in the image.
Now that’s a novel approach to portraits: turning the camera on the photographer. Well done, Tjeerd!
A very cool composition!
This is a capture that really honours the photographer. Beautifully captured and presented. I think it’s extra nice to see this one in monochrome!
Gorgeous color palette, light and use of the frame! My compliments 🙂
Very creative and nice promotion!
Beautiful work, Tjeerd! A photographer in the making. A superb retro look. Very impressive work!
Exceptional picture!
This is a beautiful portrait, Tjeerd. You really capture the fine detail so well. You have an amazing depth of field. The colouring is perfect. Well done everyone!
Geoffrey West
Wonderful portrait with beautiful blue eyes, love side lighting as well. Stunning work, Tjeerd!
Wahyu Ono
Superb! Wonderful details and nice toning.
Interesting portrait, Tjeerd. I like the camera’s brand 😀 The tones are really good and enhance the retro look given by the camera. ) I think in post-processing some of the stray hairs on the left could have been removed… although it does not look (to me) an easy task.
Wow, this is really great, Tjeerd! Love this capture!
A picture that really makes me happy :)) So positive, vital, lovely and harmonious at the same time. My compliments, Tjeerd!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
That is so creative with the sunflower, Tjeerd!
Two beautiful flowers!
Wow, wonderful shot. Excellent thought and composition!
Wonderful pose and colours. Great lighting and skin tones. Very impressive work, Tjeerd!
Wonderful composition. The sunflower is a perfect idea. The colors are great and the pose is indeed wonderful, Tjeerd!
Interesting idea, Tjeerd. Love the colours Interesting pose/ portrait – with or without the sunflowers. Well done!
Lovely portrait in embrace with nature!! 🙂
Nice pose, perfect lighting, beautiful sunflower as well! You prepared many kinds of props. You’re a man of ideas!
Splendid picture! Congrats!
A great idea and so splendidly captured, Tjeerd… and edited!
A super pose and lovely warm lighting, Tjeerd. Fabulous work!
An outstanding capture and so very lovely, Tjeerd. With such an eye for details. So perfect in every way!
Superb photo and light!
Prachtig bloemenmeisje! Super kostuum ook!
Geweldige foto, Tjeerd! Veel details je blijft er naar kijken. Ook het licht is prachtig.
Super, Tjeerd!
Nice props and your super model, Tjeerd!
Fabulous shot, Tjeerd! The lighting is beautiful. Well done everyone.
Nice overall portrait, Tjeerd!
Beautiful rim light, Tjeerd! I really like the way Claartje is tenderly holding the flowers against her.
Nice portrait.
Cool upward gaze and pose, Tjeerd!
Nice work on this one.
A fascinating capture of Claartje! It’s really keeps my attention. Makes me wonder what she is looking at. Then I notice a lot of great details. I think that’s one of the most important characteristics in a great image. It keeps your attention 🙂 Makes you wonder…
Beautiful work!
Absolutely charming and delightful capture, Tjeerd. Her look, her attitude and especially her hat. Her style is so tasteful and your photo is of her is fabulous!
Excellent photograph, Tjeerd. Beautiful detail, colour saturation and composition. Fabulous lighting. First class.
Claartje is my kind of model, especially in color version. She has a good complexion and you expressed it well.
Attractive, charming and elegant! Lovely flowers and excellent back light as always!
So pretty Claartje, love this angle and colors so much. Well done, Tjeerd!
Great photographer’s gaze, Tjeerd!
Excellent work!
Heel mooi!
Very beautiful and charming capture, Tjeerd! I love the mood!
My favourite of the recent portraits of Claartje. I love her expression – and indeed the lighting too.
Love these soft pastel tones, Tjeerd. Such softness and so perfect with the color of her beautiful eyes. A most beautiful capture of Claartje!
Hanna Schermer
Wonderful colours and skin tones. Fabulous detail and eye contact. First class work, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait!
Excellent picture!
Terrific direct eye contact, Tjeerd ! I especially like this tone of colors.
Yokai Catchlight
Claartje’s one-piece suits her like it was made for only this background. I like her serious facial expression very much.
She is such a perfect model, Tjeerd. All your captures of her are outstanding and lovely. My compliments!
My favorite portrait of Claartje! I love the pose, gaze and colors!
Lovely portrait!
Beautiful portrait!
Really nice portrait of Claartje, Tjeerd! I like the way she locks our eyes in this one and I really love her dress all the color really make her pop in this image!
It is a wonderful image, the composition and details are fabulous. Amazing depth of field and an enchanting portrait shot.
Sultan Sultani
Verenigde Staten
Truly a beautiful capture! Especially I like the way her hair makes it’s own independent expression.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Excellent work, Tjeerd. The detail and colours are outstanding as usual. Claartje is radiant in this one. She really is projecting a stronger attitude. Impressive work!
Geoffrey West
Wow, one of your best! Perfect harmony between color and expression. Great portrait work!
Norbert Stojke
Very cool backlight, Tjeerd! In my opinion you’ve created a very cinematographic feel in this portrait. The strong backlight creating a very strong cut out effect, the tilted angle, the blurred lights it all combines in a really good looking composition!
Paulo Abrantes
Outstanding picture! ❤❤❤ great story and detail! Right light and contrast. Gorgeous and interesting plot! Professional!
Maxim Kozlov
What a beautiful portrait, Tjeerd! Beautiful model with the classy pose, bright color tones, fantastic lighting as always! Love it!
Yokai Catchlight
Great shot! I had not seen your gallery until now. It’s very, very impressive!
Harry Gordon Bisel
Verenigde Staten
It is a beautiful shot! The light is really fantastic. Well done, Tjeerd!
Caspario Norberto
Beautiful black and white portrait, Tjeerd! I like the delicate contrast.
Yokai Catchlight
Stunning lighting Tjeerd! Great key light, very good highlights on the separation light 🙂 Also love the blurred lights in the background! Really amazing image, congratulations!
Paulo Abrantes
Beautiful portrait!
Ilse looks serious. But that’s in my opinion an expression I like very much. As always, Tjeerd, your work captivates me! The result is beautiful! 🙂
Excellent close up in beautiful light!
Nice work, Tjeerd: love the lighting and the expression on Ilse’s face.
Tremendous shot!
Awesome, the light is perfect and the composition is indeed very creative!
Björn Jönnson
Wow, what an interesting portrait! Very beautiful game of light!
Anna Menshikova
Wow! This is a stunning and most beautiful capture of this model. The lighting is superb as well as the beautiful background tones, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
A wonderful close-up of Ilse. Superb work, Tjeerd!
As always: I’m impressed. The pose, expression, colors and composition. It’s all so well balanced.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
It’s so perfect, Tjeerd. She is very beautiful with her lovely eyes and dressed in this splendid attire. You have captured a very special moment!
Hanna Schermer
Gorgeous portrait, Studio. Wonderful gallery! I hope to see this one in a fashion magazine!
Leslie Taylor
Verenigde Staten
Stunning work, Studio. Reminds me of George Hurrell’s Hollywood!
Leslie Taylor
Verenigde Staten
Love this shot, Tjeerd! Good lighting, very interesting gobo and stunning look from the model 🙂 One of my favourites, no doubt!
Paulo Abrantes
A really joyous capture, Tjeerd!
Her wonderful smile and lovely flowing hair. Such charming and excellent capture, Tjeerd, super!
Top Tjeerd, lighting, background and Ilse of course.
Lovely big smile, Tjeerd! I like the back light / rim light very much. Thanks for sharing inspiring work with us!
Gorgeous smile, so uplifting!
Fabulous studio work, Tjeerd! As always: it’s a joy to see your beautiful portraits!
That is such a classy portrait, Tjeerd!
Awesome portrait!
A stunning portrait, Tjeerd! I love the pose and model!
Exceptional. Congratulations.
Beautiful portrait on a white background, Tjeerd! Love her pose, facial expression and delicate skin colors.
That’s wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Great details, lighting and pose, love the highkey mode in this pic.
Very beautiful portrait, so pure. Wonderful light!
Perfect, Tjeerd. A most beautiful portrait capture of this lovely model.
Wonderful gallery! I hope to see some of these in a fashion magazine!
Nice job.
Beautiful portrait!
Great shot!
Schitterend portret!
Love the motion!
Possibly your best ever portrait, Tjeerd. Well done to the three of you.
Stunning work, Tjeerd! This black and white version is so perfect! The glow and shadows are fabulous!
Hanna Schermer
Great shot!
De uitvoering in kleur was pure schoonheid in de b&w uitvoering zit een aangename spanning. Mooi…
Jos Einmahl
Nice picture!
Heel mooi deze, Tjeerd!
Absolutely fantastic! Well done!
Very nice!
Wonderful portrait, Studio!
Cool photo!
Excellent work. A lot of people don’t get this quality with an expensive DSLR, my compliments.
Robert Alderliefste
Confident looks; beautiful eyes.
Nice B&W Merel’s portrait picture, congrats on a very well deserved star, Tjeerd!
Excellent work! Congrats!
Great idea!
Beautiful work, Tjeerd. Excellent detail.
Spectaculair shot!
Very beautiful, S-T, wonderful light, color and composition!
Outstanding shot, Tjeerd! So lovely! The colours and detail are just perfect! Well done!
Lovely portrait of a lovely girl!
Lovely portrait!
Beautiful work!
Fantastic photo!
Stunning work!
Wonderful photography, Tjeerd. I love the back lighting and the fine detail. Superb front lighting and skin tones. Merel looks great. A job well done!
Wow… lovely capture of the eyes, great lighting, good composition. Good job!
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
Prima met het licht gespeeld op het gelaat! Ook de make-up draagt goed bij tot de sfeer van deze foto!
Werner Lerooy
Heel erg leuke foto, zowel qua licht als accessoires en make-up. Bij jou heeft studiowerk een duidelijke meerwaarde.
Werner Lerooy
This is great! I love the pose and bokeh background: very nicely done! Excellent lighting. Very nicely done, Tjeerd!
Beautiful photography, Tjeerd! Wonderful eye contact and the lighting is excellent. Well done!
Geoffrey West
I love all of your photography but I think this is a lovely and natural beauty. Love that smile and the look!
Incredible photo!
Beautiful portrait. Fantastic color tone and background!
Superb! Nice capture!
Beautiful shot!
Great retro image. Well done to both of you.
Mooi zo in het zwart/wit!
Wonderful image, Tjeerd! Lovely composition! Great in mono!
I really wanna wear once in my life! I love saree!
Stunning view!
Very nice!
Wonderful smile and you captured it perfect. Great frame and beautiful light. Perfect!
Zeer sterke blik!
Incredible portrait!
Congrats for Claartje and you!
Love the pose and colours in this image, Tjeerd.
Sensational. Congratulations.
Een degelijke portretfoto!
Excellent lighting!
So lovely, Tjeerd.
Super image – love the way Claartje’s outfit stands out from the background. Well done to you both!
Doug Ross
I’m not a fan of ‘Angel photography’ but I love the expression on Esmée’s face. The tears just make the image. Well done to you both.
Impressive work, wonderful model.
Beautiful capture and expression, Tjeerd. Well done!
Lovely portrait with a very natural expression!
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait from this young lady!
We worden het stil aan gewend dat je zulke prachtige portretten produceert. Terwijl het nog allemaal niet zo evident is om iemand op z’n gemak te stellen, het juiste licht te zoeken zonder de techniek uit het oog te verliezen! Knap werk.
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
Lovely shot! Congrats!
Very nicely done, ST, wonderful light, color and composition. I love it!
Beautiful capture and series!
Fantastic portrait!
Exceptional work!
This image is so sensitive and beautiful! Makes me wonder, what she is thinking about. The soft colors are also beautiful and reinforces the expression. Great work, Tjeerd!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Wonderful work as always! Great frame, beautiful light, great model!
Björn Jönnson
Terrific details, Tjeerd! Love her cool eyes and facial expression.
Yokai Catchlight
Nice pose and model, Tjeerd!
Gergeous portrait, Tjeerd!
Wonderful image of Merel! Lovely smile! Well done, Tjeerd!
Wonderful image of a girl looking up to empty space! Love Merel’s eyes with catchlights, nice light and contrast. Skillful work as always, Tjeerd!
Fantastic portrait, ST, wonderful light and style!
Lovely shot!
Lovely shot!
Outstanding photography, excellent image and congrats on the *
I find this extremely beautiful. It’s a winner, ST!
Dat licht in haar ogen is heel erg mooi!
Beautiful work! The detail and lighting are first class. Well done, Tjeerd!
Love your work, Tjeerd – and the fact that you offer shoots at models homes!
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd!
Fantastic left side lighting, Tjeerd! I like delicate balance between bright part and shadow.
Those eyes… They are hard on the heart. Bravo!
Merel is so stunning, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait! Awesome lighting and pose. Love the expression. So sweet. Beautiful eyes and b/w. Magnificent!
This image is engaging and captivating, Tjeerd. It makes me wonder and study the details. I do not think it’s because I know you. It’s the simple fact that you (in my opinion) show great skills as a photographer.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Very impressive! My compliments! 😀
Beautiful and captivating portrait work!
Gorgeous portrait, Tjeerd!
Skillful use of lights as always, Tjeerd! I like her facial expression and hand pose. Whose teddy bear is this? It makes this image more attractive.
Yokai Catchlight
Prachtig, Tjeerd! Mooi portret!
Heel mooi!
Gorgeous portrait, Tjeerd!
Very beautiful!
Wonderfully captured and presented! It’s a joy to look at 🙂
Very beautiful!
Weer prima gedaan!
Superb work Tjeerd: nice idea and well delivered. Congratulations all round.
Great portrait!
Wonderful portrait in great light with a beautiful frame. Excellent work!
Björn Jönnson
Exquisite image. A whole range of technical aspects are just spot on, and beside this, Julia’s expression is beautiful. It’s hard to ‘read’ her emotions… A great quality in this image.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
So beautiful and delicate work, Tjeerd! Your skillful lighting adds an artistic touch to your model.
Yokai Catchlight
A most lovely portrait of Julia. A perfect beauty with her red hair and lovely green eyes. Wonderful work, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
Deze is echt HEEL klassevol!
Great use of b&w, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait, awesome B&W work!
Stunning and intriguing. A perfect and most lovely b/w capture of Claartje. Excellent, Tjeerd!
Classy b/w portrait, Tjeerd! Whenever I see Claartje, I think to myself she was born to be a model. Your skillful lighting makes her more beautiful, of course.
Die zal er wel erg blij mee zijn! Dat licht op de achtergrond maakt het af.
Werner Lerooy
Very impressive and beautiful!
You know how to make women so beautiful. Your lens by your mind is amazing. Outstanding work!
Nice pose and model, Tjeerd!
Beautiful model with a perfect white / high key background, Tjeerd! Really fascinating work!
Excellent shot!
Wooow! Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
Love this shot a lot, Tjeerd! Congrats!
Terrific portrait, Tjeerd!
Stunning portrait, Tjeerd!
Tjeerd, another superb capture!
Well done and inspiring!
Very beautiful, Tjeerd!
Excellent work!
It sounds complicating Tjeerd, however your result is great with this triangle effect. The model seems to be enjoying herself with her lovely smile. Most interesting and wonderful work!
Hanna Schermer
Fun, fresh and real. Nicely done, sir!
W O W! This is VERY special. Don’t lose it, ever!
Great pose and framing, Tjeerd!
I love the cheerfulness of the model, Tjeerd!
Lovely and natural smile of Rianne, Tjeerd ! Love her relaxed facial expression. (^o^)
A delightful and charming smile and another superb capture, Tjeerd!
A most lovely capture of your model dressed in this pretty outfit reminding me of times gone by, Tjeerd. Excellent work as always!
Hanna Schermer
Heel teder portret! Mooie, zachte ogen, een fijne compositie met de half gekruiste armen en de leuke hoed. Die uitzonderlijke portretten van gewone mensen: we worden het stilaan gewoon. Terwijl het allicht toch elke keer hard werken is…
Werner Lerooy
So beautiful, Tjeerd!
Wonderful image, Tjeerd! Great smile and happy mood!
Love Claartje’s big smile and the giant rabbit, Tjeerd! She looks very happy! (^o^)
Follow the white rabbit. So the model must be Alice? 😉
Fantastic, ST, wonderful light, color and pizzazz!
So stunning, Tjeerd!
Your portraits are wonderful. It is a treat to view your gallery.
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd ! I love the smile!
Impressive portrait work, one’s again, Tjeerd! Both girls exude vital joy and amusement. Beside this, it’s technically beautiful captured.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Beautiful photo and smile!
So stunning, Tjeerd!
Wonderful smile from Merel. Excellent lighting and and fine detail. Well done, Tjeerd!
I love the gaze, Tjeerd!
You have captured this moment so beautifully, Tjeerd, with fantastic lighting and showing her wonderful dreamy gaze. Lovely!!!
Beautiful photo and light!
Great portrait!
Lovely and cute portraitwork!
Sensational! Congratulations!
Wonderful light and a charming gazing up pose, Tjeerd! Nice copy space as well.
Beautiful shot, nice mood. You have the ability to capture the moment. Keep it up!!
Superb, Studio!
Wonderful fine detail and skin tones. Claartje is looking very charming. Well done!
Wow, very classy work, Tjeerd! Wonderful light and contrast with the background as always!
Beautiful work!
A beauty!
Wonderful shot! She is a classic beauty!
Heel mooi, Tjeerd!
That is a great pose and gorgeous model, Tjeerd!
What a beautiful capture! Love the lighting you have used, it really enhances her beautiful skin tone. Superb work! Can’t wait to see more.
Very beautiful portrait, Tjeerd!
Beautiful portrait! wonderful lighting & mood!
Wow! Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd!
Soo beautiful! Well done, Tjeerd!
Mooi kleedje! Kleur komt prima uit. Licht en schaduw zitten goed, zoals altijd …
It’s a joy to see the beautiful images, that you have posted lately, Tjeerd! As I have said before: your work has the touch of a skilled portrait photographer.
Beautiful work! Love the light, use of colors and expression!
Amazing composition and use of light and shades, Tjeerd! Well done!
The background and model are fantastic, Tjeerd!
Beautiful capture! She is a promising beauty!
Cute Pien in lovely dress and hat, Tjeerd! Excellent fashion photo as always!
Beautyful picture and pose!
Beautifully done ST. I really like the styling and lighting in this!
Erg mooi dat licht op haar sympathieke (licht kwetsbare) snuitje getrokken!
Beautiful portrait. Your work never disappoints. Love the style, light and composition. Well done keep them coming 🙂
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd! Great portrait!
You have the ability to capture the moment.
Your work never disappoints. Love your style, light and compositions. Can’t wait to see more!
Another wonderful shot of my favorite from all you beautiful models. Excellent light as always.
Another remarkable photo, Tjeerd!
Great portrait!
Lovely portrait, ST, wonderful light, color and setting!
Wonderful photography!
Beautiful portrait and lovely dance with the feathers!
Beautifully taken!
Gorgeous portrait. Fabulous work as always. Perfect lighting!
Leuke, dynamische foto! Die bijzondere blik en die slingers in dezelfde kleur als de achtergrond: het heeft wel wat betoverends 🙂
Great model and cool pose, Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait from this lovely young lady!
Stunning beauty, Tjeerd!
Excellent shot, Tjeerd! I love the acrobatics as Claartje ‘juggles’ the feathers.
Beautiful portrait! The lighting you use is always amazing and love the model against the black background. Can’t wait to see more 🙂
Tamara Moreno
Verenigde Staten
Interesting reversed-S pose, Tjeerd! Beautiful skin colors and lighting as always!
Beautiful model — excellent lighting and composition – love the red hair and how it stands out. Well done!
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
Magnificent portrait! Superb colour contrast, love the expression and what a wonderful pose. Love it!
Tamara Moreno
Verenigde Staten
The pose and model are fantastic, Tjeerd!
Wonderful lighting!
I love the crop on this one, the closeup works really well. Adorable pose from the model. Fantastic lighting. As always amazing portrait work!
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd!
Her pose is wonderful as well as her enchanting smile, Tjeerd. Your capture of this super moment is so perfect!
Wat een leuke spontane foto! Proficiat, Tjeerd!
Fantastic, ST, wonderful light, color and upbeat photo!
Stunning photo, Tjeerd!
Lovely joyful facial expression, Tjeerd! Fantastic light and a nice prop as well.
Another skillful processing, Tjeerd! Love the dramatic dark background.
Love the new dramatic backdrop, almost looks misty. What a beautiful effect. It completely changes the feel of the initial portrait. Works really well!
Great capture!
Beautiful work, Tjeerd!
Beautiful light and shadow, impressive structure!
Prachtig, Tjeerd! Mooie zachte tonen!
Fabulous, Tjeerd! The boa’s seem to be floating in the background. Wonderful pose and another marvelous capture!
This is such a cool shot!
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd!
Beautifully composed and subtle monochrome edited shot!
Wonderful monochrome portrait. The perfect amount of contrast against the simple white background. Love it! Works really well!
Very elegantly done, Tjeerd!
Statig, degelijk, mooi!
Gorgeous b&w, Tjeerd!
Lovely B&W portrait, ST, wonderful high-key look!
Fabulous light, color and style, I love it!
Very beautiful!
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd!
So beautiful b/w portrait, Tjeerd! Love her pose, facial expression and nice contrast against the backdrop.
Truly beautiful portrait. Fine work.
Remarkable photo, Tjeerd!
This has to be my favourite of your shots. Framing perfection. Love the light times on the face. Awesome shot!
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd!
She is lovely! Well done, Tjeerd!
Another great model and pose, Studio!
Wonderful outdoor portrait, Tjeerd! Pien in orange sweater looks so lovely! I like its contrast against the green background.
Beautiful outdoor portrait! Love the contrasting colours with the orange top vs the darker background. Great model and makeup!
Stunning portrait! Wonderful skin tones with perfect lighting on her face. Your focusing is perfect and her eye contact is really engaging. I love the little detail by adding the teddy bear: it immediately changes the feel of the portrait completely. Amazing work!
Tamara Moreno
Verenigde Staten
The peeping teddy! What a lovely capture, Tjeerd! A perfect shot with such lovely skin tones and details! Super!
Hanna Schermer
Wow! Immediately the striking and beautiful red hair caught my eye. Charming models and your photo is excellent, Tjeerd! Excellent background with these delightful colors!
Hanna Schermer
Awesome portrait. Truly heartfelt smile. You must have had lots of fun shooting this one.
Cyrus Moreno
Love your creativity! Even though her face is covered I can still see her expression. Strong picture looking forward to seeing more.
I absolutely love this. It’s brilliant!
This is so amazing, Tjeerd!
Awesome capture! Love it!
Leuk idee!
Stunning composition and great pose from the model. Seemed relax and at ease and the pose seemed natural rather than a forced moment. I do wonder what she was focusing on to deliver the calmness. Excellent timing on the shot too. Well done to both photographer and subject.
I must say this is def one of my favourite shots in your gallery! I love the natural pose from the beautiful model. Superb tones with the touch of colour coming from her head band. Your photographs are always super sharp, amazing focusing. Looking forward to seeing what you post next!
Love Merel’s pose and facial expression, Tjeerd! Skillful lighting and beautiful color tones as always.
Beautiful light, color and style, ST, great portrait!
Wonderful work!
That’s so beautiful, Tjeerd! Great portrait!
Summer beauty, Tjeerd. A lovely dreamy pose with great lighting and contrast in tones. Such lovely work again!
Wow! This is a very captivating, image, Tjeerd. Love the thoughtful expression of it, the colours (how they are combined), and your magic touch of light work. It all fits perfectly together.
I love your portrait work. You seem to relax them as your models smiles always seem heartfelt.
Beautiful portrait!
This is a wonderful portrait, Tjeerd!
Nice one!
Fantastic colors, lighting and catchlights, Tjeerd! You always prove good lighting is key to any successful portrait. Thanks for sharing this excellent work.
Perfect work!
Terrific shot!
Lovely and beautiful, gorgeous shot!
These models look so comfortable in front of the camera! Outstanding portrait. Lovely expression and perfecting lighting as always showing their gorgeous skin tones.
Excellent work!
Lovely shot from this beautiful model!
Soooo beautiful!
This is so beautiful, Tjeerd! They are so great together!
Nice double portrait, Tjeerd! Love the pose and lighting!
Wonderful portrait of Julia & Roos! Very beautiful eyes & cute smiles!
Very nice!
Charming and such delightful models, Tjeerd, and another outstanding capture of these two attractive young ladies!
What a lovely portrait. Love her strong eye contact, it’s as if she’s trying to tell us something. Perfect lighting as always and stunning skin tones!
Tamara Moreno
Verenigde Staten
That’s an awesome trio, Tjeerd!
They all look like triplets. Great shot, Tjeerd!
Gorgeous shot!
What a beauties! Great shot, Tjeerd!
Love this! Not only do they look alike but they are dressed alike. Superb shot and wonderful eye contact!
Great work!
Such a great shot. Awesome makeup as well. So cool to read you took these pics at their homes.
Such a charming image, perfect shot!
Wow, gorgeous and classy work, Tjeerd! I like their checked red outfits, eye contact and backdrop. Your lighting is terrific as always!
That is so beautiful, Tjeerd! Well done!
Awesome capture! Stunning picture!
I’m impressed!
Beautiful model, gorgeous portrait!
Captivating and beautiful portrait work, Tjeerd! It’s a joy to look at 🙂
Very beautiful light and pose! Lovely portrait!
Perfectly composed portrait, Tjeerd! Her pose, your framing work, the prop and backdrop! Excellent lighting as always too, really nice work!
Lovely use of prop here! It is amazing what magic can happen when you give your model something else to interact with. She looks nice and relaxed allowing you to capture an emotive moment. Awesome portrait once again!
Stunning portrait and colours!
Unique shot!
Beautiful capture and tones!
I love the pose and lighting!
Fantastic, ST, wonderful light, color and style!
Nice portrait!
Wonderful portrait and pose, Tjeerd!
Stunning shot. From the focus to the lighting just superb. It’s amazing how you can focus on each persons beauty and bring the best out of them.
Cyrus Moreno
Gorgeous portrait. You have caught the light perfectly in her eyes really making the portrait come alive. Her skin tones are so beautiful. Superb job and amazing focusing as always! 🙂
Tamara Moreno
Verenigde Staten
What shall I say, just perfect! The play with light in that way is really outstanding good, the look of your model is so intense and the dark background makes this composition complete. Congrats to such a beautiful work!
Norbert Stojke
One nice portrait!
Beautiful use of natural light! She looks at ease and I love how natural she looks. Gorgeous portrait!
Great portrait, ST, wonderful light, color and composition!
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
Lovely photo, Tjeerd!
The pose and model are wonderful, Tjeerd!
Wonderful photography, Tjeerd!
Perfect shot!
Beautiful lighting and rim light, Tjeerd! I like the way she looks at the camera with a happy, friendly smile. (^o^)
Yokai Catchlight
Tjeerd, I am continually impressed with your use of lighting. I am constantly making an effort to accomplish the proper use of lighting to the degree that you do. I like the pose as well – reminds me of “Charlie’s Angels”.
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
I am continually impressed with your use of lighting. I am constantly making an effort to accomplish the proper use of lighting to the degree that you do.
Claartje is such a perfect model Tjeerd, her charming smile and lovely eyes are wonderful and you know just how to show us this beautiful details. Excellent!
Hanna Schermer
Wonderful work, Tjeerd. The thoughtful use of light, combined with Merel’s contrast rich clothes creates a very effective dynamism. In addition the warm colour tones on her skin also makes a great contrast to the overall b&w areas.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
I love your photos so much! From the shoot to the postprocessing edit, all is beautiful, tasteful, unpretentious and harmonious. Superb work!
I like the model, pose and background, Tjeerd!
Awesome portrait, Tjeerd!
Gorgeous smile like a flower! A lovely portrait :))
Schitterend en toont heel spontaan. Mooie buitenfoto van en met Pien.
So classy portrait, Tjeerd! I especially like the delicate balance between the bright part and dark part on her face. Nice use of the old camera as a prop, too!
Yokai Catchlight
So natural and lovely smile, Tjeerd! Her hat corresponds with the rose flowers effectively. I like this outdoor portrait with the blurred foreground.
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Great pose and use of light. Happy and natural! Well captured!
Expressive and beautiful portrait.
The soft tones are working very well in this photograph!
Wonderful capture and tones ST! Well done!
Superb portrait with natural light!
One nice portrait!
Great colors, background and model, Tjeerd!
Marvelous photo, Tjeerd!
Wonderful colours. Great image, Tjeerd!
A truly stunning capture, Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait!
Mooi buitenwerk, Tjeerd. Ogen mooi gevangen. Achtergrond doet er mooi in mee en de ogen zijn mooi in focus. Super 😁
This is so beautiful, ST, wonderful light, color and composition!
Nice setting and location, Tjeerd! Claartje is always photogenic.
Lovely pose of Rianne, Tjeerd! Her straw hat suits her perfectly.
A wonderful setting and such a lovely pose again with the wind in her hair and that sweet smile. A lovely capture, Tjeerd!
Excellent capture!
Great work, just better if you read that you were just testing your outdoor flash. The colours and skintone looks very naturel.
Veronique van Meer
Nice life portrait, Tjeerd! I love the path!
Lovely and well composed image! It’s very natural and lively 🙂
Beautifully composed portrait, Tjeerd! I especially like the leading line and blurred foreground.
That is a terrific composition, Tjeerd!
Lovely natural image, Tjeerd: great light and depth of field control!
Nice work, Tjeerd! Well done to both of you!
Wonderful portrait!
That’s a fantastic pose and model! Nice vertical image, Tjeerd!
like like LIKE!!! Very well done, Tjeerd!
Nice portrait! Thanks, Tjeerd!
Lovely portrait, Tjeerd!
So beautiful, Tjeerd!
Wonderful portrait!
Another magnificent portrait, Tjeerd!
Very impressive portrait, like a heroine in a romance movie. Beautiful b&w!
Lafugue Logos
Great pose and model, Tjeerd! Nice gaze!
Love Rianne’s natural expression, Tjeerd! Very lovely portrait!
Beautiful portraiture, Tjeerd!
Lovely and beautiful!
Wonderful gaze, framing and lighting, Tjeerd!
Beautifully captured and presented, Tjeerd. I both love the way you have tilted this image (a bit), and how the complementary colors interact. Together with Claartje’s dynamic pose it’s captivating.
The pose and brilliant colors of the costume are wonderful, Tjeerd!
Wonderful location portrait, Tjeerd! The red sari plays an important role. It makes her more gorgeous and captivating. I like her blown hair by the wind.
Great shot! I like the dress, she is wearing. Wonderful color composition.
A truly stunning portrait, Tjeerd!
A happy smile and lovely capture of Riannne. Another perfect photo, Tjeerd!
A most beautiful expression and the clarity and lighting is so perfect Tjeerd. An excellent capture of this lovely model!
Hanna Schermer
A moment in thought and this moment you have captured so well, Tjeerd! Wonderful !
Always nice to see Claartje in her lovely attire. Wonderful contrast in colors and another great capture, Tjeerd!
Mooi kleurrijk!
Every time I look at your portraits, I always think: “A great portrait is made with great lighting”. Your lighting makes her eyes, hair and lips more attractive.
Yokai Catchlight
Excellent portrait on location, Tjeerd! Love the setting, her facial expression, bubbles and bokeh in the background.
A truly stunning capture, Tjeerd! She is such a great model!
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Well posed, very natural and good composition. Well captured!
Love the charming smile, beautiful light and composition, sensational portrait!
Such a lovely smile, Tjeerd! Great eye contact and beautiful natural light as well!
Een hele mooie lach! De hoed is een goed idee zowel voor licht als compositie!
A delightful smile, and beautiful eye contact. Great work, Tjeerd!
Schitterende knalplaat, Tjeerd! B+w maakt hem helemaal af. De ogen klappen er gewoon af. Ontzettend mooi!
Veronique van Meer
Zéér sterke creatie met gewaagde maar goedgekozen outfit en make-up. De postprocessing en het licht zijn naar oude gewoonte perfect.
Werner Lerooy
Sensational portrait!
Every time I look at your portraits, I always think: “A great portrait is made with great lighting”.
Stunning work, Tjeerd! Her outfit and her expression are fantastic and you have captured this so perfectly, Tjeerd! Super!
Hanna Schermer
Lovely … sweety smile!!!
Marvelous; beautiful framing!!!
Great pose and close-up, Tjeerd! Nice use of the hand!
Beautiful eyes, wonderful portrait!
Wow, wonderful skin tones and beautiful eyes, Tjeerd! This portrait proves good lighting makes portraits better.
Perfect work with subtle light, natural tone and great clarity!
Lovely portrait, ST, beautiful light, tones and style, great work!
Mooie, heldere ogen!
Schitterende plaat, Tjeerd. Haar ogen zijn perfect vast gelegd. Ontzettend mooi werk!
Veronique van Meer
Well done!
Claartje with a nice pose, Tjeerd! Love the joyful look on her face.
Stunning retro photo, Tjeerd!
Well done, Tjeerd: super low point image! Well delivered!
Great portrait, Tjeerd. Good light and pose, very natural. Well captured!
Excellent confident look, Tjeerd!
Superb fashion image!
Outstanding work, just amazing!
Prachtige belichting, Tjeerd!
Perfect work, Tjeerd! Beautiful model, pretty face, terrific catchlight, fashionable costume, excellent lighting and backdrop!
Great portrait, Tjeerd! Great gaze!
Nice use of b&w, Tjeerd!
What a lovely portrait of Rianne, Tjeerd! Her character probably appears in her smile. Excellent b/w work as well.
Great B&W portrait, love the brilliant smile!
Nice smile and model, Tjeerd
Heel erg mooi met het tegenlicht en de dromerige blik gespeeld. Past prima bij elkaar…
Wonderful light and pose, Tjeerd. Great perspective! Well captured!
Superb lateral view of the charming girl, love the great background light!
Fantastic lighting and profile, Tjeerd!
Wow, so inspiring portrait, Tjeerd! Shooting portraits at sunset is very difficult but you did it well. Really nice colors and dreamy silhouette!
Lovely portrait, ST, great light, color and composition!
Oh what a romantic scene, Tjeerd. I love this mood and setting, such a wonderful capture!
Hanna Schermer
A perfect eye for the camera Claartje has. Her poses are quite delightful and this is another perfect capture!
A wonderful warm smile and a lovely capture of Rianne, Tjeerd!
An excellent profile capture of Claartje with wonderful play with light, Tjeerd.
A lovely, sensitive and lingering image, Tjeerd. It’s very peaceful and well framed.
Beautiful shot. I like, that the model is a bit of a silhouette and the glow in her eyes is stunning!
Cool portrait, Tjeerd!
Die prachtige grote ogen heeft ze wel. Maar je zet ze er elke keer weer subliem op! Hier bevalt het extra licht op het rechteroog me wel. Zeg tegen die MUA dat ze de ogen en lippen uitstekend heeft gedaan!
Superb b/w portrait, Tjeerd! Excellent balance between the light and shadows as always. I like her smiling face and pose.
An excellent b/w capture, Tjeerd. With such fantastic lighting and the wonderful playful expression Claartje has. Super!
Wonderful B&W portrait, Tjeerd. Great focus point detail and lighting! Well captured!
Exquisitely beautiful portrait, perfect!
Interesting idea: draws you in and makes you wonder what is attracting Claartje’s attention.
Awesome portrait, Tjeerd!
A superb portrait, Tjeerd!
Heel mooi licht centraal op het gelaat en op het haar!
Prachtige opname!
Nice pose and model, Tjeerd!
Such a lovely facial expression of Claartje, Tjeerd! Love the copy space and colors.
Beautiful close-up portrait, Tjeerd! Love her pure eyes and delicate hair.
Ziet er andermaal fraai uit. Leuk om eens een wat ander, meisjesachtig- kleurrijk tenue te proberen. Past goed bij de grijze achtergrond.
Werner Lerooy
A very delightful portrait with soft backdrop, harmonious tone and beautifully managed light, super!
An outstanding close-up, Tjeerd. The very fine details are stunning and she certainly has the most beautiful eyes. Fabulous work again!
Hanna Schermer
Amazing portrait. Beautiful colors.
Super Tjeerd, heel erg knap van je, dat je steeds weer een heel ander “plaatje” weet te maken!
Caspario Norberto
As usual, your lighting is that of perfection. — possibly your mathematic skills assist?
Michael Sturgeon
Verenigde Staten
This is (my opinion) a very personal portrait (it gives me the feeling of being in direct contact with the model). It’s beautifully presented, Tjeerd!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
Prachtige foto! De jurk is mooi om haar heen gespreid en de hoogte waarop je stond geeft het een mooi effect!
Maaike van Dierendonk
Like it a lot – this sequence of portraits get’s better and better!
Doug Ross
Mooi portrait Tjeerd, die handschoenen geven een zodanig effect dat je blijft kijken naar alle details.
Erik van Ettinger
Claartjes eye contact with the viewer is amazing in this image. Besides this it’s beautifully presented.
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
What a lovely and creative portrait, ST, great light, tones and style!
Perry Hoag
Verenigde Staten
Tjeerd, this is so very very lovely, the way she is looking into the camera with those wonderful green eyes. A perfect capture of Esmée!
Hanna Schermer
Het blijft me verbazen dat je zo’ n gewone kamer tot studio kan omtoveren.
What a lovely smile, Tjeerd! Rianne looks so relaxed and happy. Wonderful lighting as always.
Yokai Catchlight
Wonderful lighting! The detail is always excellent. Claartje is doing a wonderful job. Well done, Tjeerd!
Geoffrey West
What a georgeous portrait, everything fits perfect the main brown color tones of her hair and the background in a wonderful contrast to the clear blue eyes! I think your model love it!
Norbert Stojke
Prachtig licht! En sublieme make-up op dat mooie gelaat. Dat alles creëert een heel bijzondere sfeer!
Werner Lerooy
Masterful portrait, Tjeerd! Love her pure eyes, sensual lips and skillful lighting. Truly fantastic!
Yokai Catchlight
Wonderful portrait Tjeerd. Great light and skin color. Well posed and captured!
Bruce Prothero
So beautiful portrait, Tjeerd! Always love the way you to lighting and compose.
Wahyu Ono
What a beautiful shot, of an even more beautiful lady. Excellent work!
Dale Poll
Verenigde Staten
Woow! Another stunning image! Your detail and colours are amazing. First class photography, Tjeerd!
Geoffrey West
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Terrific lighting, great POV and pose. Well captured!
Bruce Prothero
She has very beautiful eyes and the flower makes them pop. Very beautiful picture.
Shawn Traxler
Verenigde Staten
Mooi! Hou ook wel van de serene achtergrond, die goed bij de uitstraling van de dame past.
Werner Lerooy
Wonderful lighting as always, Tjeerd! I like the way you create shadows under the cheeks and chin.
Yokai Catchlight
An angel with such beautiful wings! Your capture is fabulous!
Hanna Schermer
Awesome portrait!!! Your angle redounds to the charm of model.
Woosra Kim
Great idea and very inspiring with this composition, Tjeerd. Stunning work as always!
Wahyu Ono
A lovely soft setting and background for this shoot with the beautiful angel wings and lovely model.
Hanna Schermer
Beautiful portrait, Tjeerd! Looks great in monochrome! Stunning work as always!
Wahyu Ono
Beautiful light, tones and composition, ST, great work!
Perry Hoag
Verenigde Staten
It’s wonderful portrait in High Key, Tjeerd. Love this impressive composition. Cool work!
Wahyu Ono
Angelic eye contact, Tjeerd! Lovely light and beautiful portrait work!
Sherin Atrouni
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Great perspective, very creative! Well composed and captured!
Bruce Prothero
Fantastic portrait as always, Tjeerd. Merel is an attractive model who is rich in emotions.
Yokai Catchlight
Top portrait, dear Tjeerd, like the rarified light and wonderful composition!
Changbao She
Exceptional portrait of the charming blonde, Tjeerd, the eyes are so captivating!
Changbao She
Hij is prachtig, Tjeerd, goede belichting uitstekende kleuren!
Jaap Polak
Beautiful model! As always perfect light for your great shot!
Björn Jönsson
I really enjoyed this photography, Tjeerd. It’s very ‘alive’ and beautifully enlightened. Great work as usual!
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
What a lovely portrait, ST, beautiful light, color and setting!
Perry Hoag
Verenigde Staten
This photography is so well captured and harmonious, Tjeerd. When I’m studying it, it’s just right in every aspect. The proportions, the colors, pose, light and frame. Top result :))
Sven Olav Vahlenkamp
What a lovely portrait, ST, beautiful light, color and composition, regards!
Perry Hoag
Verenigde Staten
The beauty of youth! Her pose and captivating expression with those beautiful blue eyes you have captured perfectly. The adornment in her hair and the rose add color to the already wonderful tones in this photo, Tjeerd!
Hanna Schermer
Wow! This is great, Tjeerd! I love the flowing lines, her hair, her arms and then that wonderful expression! Superbly captured and I am sure she will be pleased!
Hanna Schermer
Wonderful model. Great shot that looks perfect in b&w. The light is perfect as always!
Björn Jönsson
This close-up is absolutely fabulous, Tjeerd. The soft glow of her skin and fine details are stunningly beautiful. She certainly is a fantastic model!
Hanna Schermer
What a delightful and charming smile she has, Tjeerd, and your capture of this moment is superb! A beautiful photo!
Hanna Schermer
Absolutely stunning light and color contrast! Specially with her beautiful Green Eyes!!!<3 The most charming portrait work!!! Loved it!! :)))
Sherin Atrouni
Wow, what a wonderful model and the shot is so perfect. I really like the frame and the light!
Björn Jönsson
So great to see your gorgeous portrait work on big screen! Beautiful and so self confident pose from your lovely model! Another beauty in your gallery!
Sherin Atrouni
Wonderful skin tones and lighting as always, Tjeerd! You perfectly positioned lights to avoid shadows on the backdrop.
Yokai Catchlight
Wow, again a most beautiful model and you captured her beauty so perfect!
Björn Jönsson
Tjeerd, wat een prachtig portretfoto! Een prachtige lach. Heel mooi genomen!
Erik van Ettinger
A charming little model so beautifully dressed and she likes the camera, Tjeerd! Another superb and lovely shot!
Hanna Schermer
Another superb portrait work!! Such sweet model and eye contact here! So lovely!! :))
Sherin Atrouni
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Great light and pose. Well captured!
Bruce Prothero
Lovely pose and expression (great model) with great detail. All enhanced by wonderful light. Top portrait!
Andrea Paci Cresti
Fantastic shot. Very serene and very pretty girl. Great capture!
Paul Deveau
Beautiful lady and a beautiful portrait! Love her expression. Magnificent light and soft colors. Superb photography!
Barb Kennedy
Verenigde Staten
Wonderful portrait as always, Tjeerd! The lighting so impressive!
Wahyu Ono
Lovely model with beautiful eyes! Excellent portrait as well!
Yokai Catchlight
Deze is wel weer héél mooi, Tjeerd. Prachtig en zeer sfeervol!
Sjaak Wisman
Wonderful portrait Tjeerd, terrific light and pose. Well captured!
Bruce Prothero
Mooi in de vlakverdeling en kleur. Mooi op elkaar afgestemd. Fijn om naar te kijken, Tjeerd!
Bert Bosch
Great background foreground colour contrast. Fantastic light control.
Wesley Hunt
Perfect choice of background for the dress. Really sets it off.
Wesley Hunt
Your work is very impressive, Studio Tjeerd! I like it!
Wonderful portrait Tjeerd, terrific light and great lines. Well captured!
Bruce Prothero
Ever so gorgeous portrait work, Tjeerd! Beautiful light and contrast! Simply wonderful! ✨✨✨✨
Sherin Atrouni
Very beautiful composition and portrait capture dear, Tjeerd. Lovely and youth impression. Love it a lot! 👌✨✨☺️
Sherin Atrouni
Wat een fijne en sfeervolle pose. Het licht en de kleur werken ook mee aan de sfeer. En die is hier heel fijn vastgelegd in deze heerlijk en rustgevende opname. Je maakt bijzonder goede opnamen op dit gebied.
Henk Siteur
Beautiful light and colors. Love the setting and the fantastic expression of your model! Simply superb work!👌✨✨✨😊
Sherin Atrouni
Absolutely delightful gift from you, Tjeerd. The most charming concept and eye contact here. Love it a lot!! ✨✨✨😍
Sherin Atrouni
Your portraits are always so stylish and creative
Wonderful portrait work, Tjeerd! Very beautiful light, soft tones and the most tender eye contact!✨✨✨🤗☺️
Sherin Atrouni
She is lovely and this close-up of her is ever so beautiful, with the soft light and beautiful tones. Excellent work, Tjeerd.
Hanna Schermer
Beautiful and very fine processing of the fashion portrait! Fragile beauty in contrast with the rocks! Very well elaborated.
M-ART-IN Photo
I really like this picture. Balanced shot, balanced colours. The way the model is watching… whatever it is, is very intriguing. Well done!
Göran Hoshi Johansson
Wonderful portrait, Tjeerd. Terrific composition with an emotive pose. Well captured!
Bruce Prothero
Your images are always well composed with good lighting, the models look so natural! Great work!
You have a beautiful collection of pictures.
Great job bringing out the beauty and best in each model.